Network+ Guide to Networks, Chapter 2 Review
Standards and the OSI Model
trying to grasp a new theoretical concept, it often helps to form a picture of
that concept in your mind. In the field of chemistry, for example, even though
you can’t see a water molecule, you can represent it with a simple drawing of
two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Similarly, in the field of networking,
even though you can’t see the communication that occurs between two nodes on a
network, you can use a model to depict how the communication takes place. The model commonly used to describe network
communications is called the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model.
Standards Organizations
Standards are
documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise
criteria that stipulate how a particular product or service should be designed
or performed. Many different industries use standards to ensure
that products, processes, and services suit their purposes. For example, the
construction industry follows standards to ensure a building’s safety and
accessibility, such as those defining the width and slope of wheelchair ramps.
The airline industry adheres to standards that specify the precise contents of
jet fuel. Because of the wide variety of hardware and software in use today,
standards are especially important in the world of networking. Without
standards, it would be very difficult to design a network because you could not
be certain that software or hardware from different manufacturers would work
together. For example, if one manufacturer designed a network cable with a
1-centimeter-wide plug and another company manufactured a wall plate with a
0.8-centimeter-wide opening, you would not be able to insert the plug into the
wall plate. When purchasing networking equipment, therefore, you want to verify
that equipment meets the standards your network requires. However, bear in mind
that standards define the minimum
acceptable performance of a product or service—not the ideal. So, for example,
you might purchase two different network cables that comply with the minimum
standard for transmitting at a certain speed, but one cable might exceed that
standard, allowing for better network performance. In the case of network
cables, exceeding minimum standards often follows from the use of quality
materials and careful production techniques. Because the computer industry grew
so quickly out of several technical disciplines, many different organizations
evolved to oversee its standards. In some cases, a few organizations are
responsible for a single aspect of networking. For example, both the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
and IEEE are involved in
setting standards for wireless networks. Whereas ANSI prescribes the kind of
NIC (network interface card) that the consumer needs to accept a wireless
connection, IEEE prescribes, among other things, how the network will ensure
that different parts of a communication sent through the atmosphere arrive at
their destination in the correct sequence. A complete list of the standards
that regulate computers and networking would fill an encyclopedia. Although you
don’t need to know the fine points of every standard, you should be familiar
with the groups that set networking standards and the critical aspects of
standards required by your network.
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is an organization
composed of more than a thousand representatives from industry and government
who together determine standards for the electronics industry and other fields,
such as chemical and nuclear engineering, health and safety, and construction.
ANSI also represents the United States in setting international standards. This
organization does not dictate that manufacturers comply with its standards, but
requests voluntarily compliance. Of course, manufacturers and developers
benefit from compliance; because compliance assures potential customers that
the systems are reliable and can be integrated with an existing infrastructure.
New electronic equipment and methods must undergo rigorous testing to prove
they are worthy of ANSI’s approval. You can purchase ANSI standards documents
online from ANSI’s Web site ( or find them at a
university or public library. You need not read complete ANSI standards to be a
competent networking professional, but you should understand the breadth and
significance of ANSI’s influence.
Two related standards organizations are EIA and TIA.
EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance)
is a trade organization composed of representatives from electronics
manufacturing firms across the United States. EIA not only sets standards for
its members, but also helps write ANSI standards and lobbies for legislation
favorable to the growth of the computer and electronics industries. In 1988,
one of the EIA’s subgroups merged with the former United States
Telecommunications Suppliers Association (USTSA) to form TIA (Telecommunications Industry
Association). TIA focuses on standards for information technology,
wireless, satellite, fiber optics, and telephone equipment. Both TIA and EIA
set standards, lobby governments and industry, and sponsor conferences,
exhibitions, and forums in their areas of interest. Probably the best known
standards to come from the TIA/EIA alliance are its guidelines for how network
cable should be installed in commercial buildings, known as the “TIA/EIA 568-B
(Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers), or “I-triple-E,” is an international society
composed of engineering professionals. Its goals are to promote development and
education in the electrical engineering and computer science fields. To this
end, IEEE hosts numerous symposia, conferences, and local chapter meetings and
publishes papers designed to educate members on technological advances. It also
maintains a standards board that establishes its own standards for the
electronics and computer industries and contributes to the work of other
standards-setting bodies, such as ANSI. IEEE
technical papers and standards are highly respected in the networking
Among other places, you will find references to IEEE
standards in the manuals that accompany NICs. You can purchase IEEE documents
online from IEEE’s Web site ( or find them in a
university or public library.
ISO (International Organization for
Standardization), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, is a
collection of standards organizations representing 162 countries. ISO’s goal is to establish international
technological standards to facilitate global exchange of information and
barrier free trade. Given the organization’s full name, you might
expect it to be called IOS, but ISO is not meant to be an acronym. In fact, iso
is the Greek word for equal. Using this term conveys the organization’s
dedication to standards.
ISO’s authority is not limited to the
information-processing and communications industries. It also applies to the
fields of textiles, packaging, distribution of goods, energy production and
utilization, shipbuilding, and banking and financial services. The universal
agreements on screw threads, bank cards, and even the names for currencies are
all products of ISO’s work. In fact, fewer than 3000 of ISO’s more than 18,500
standards apply to computer-related products and functions. You can find out
more about ISO at its Web site:
(International Telecommunication Union) is a specialized United Nations
agency that regulates international telecommunications, including radio and TV
frequencies, satellite and telephony specifications, networking infrastructure,
and tariffs applied to global communications. It also provides developing
countries with technical expertise and equipment to advance those nations’
technological bases. The ITU was founded in Paris in 1865. It became part of
the United Nations in 1947 and relocated to Geneva, Switzerland. Its standards
arm contains members from 193 countries and publishes detailed policy and
standards documents that can be found on its Web site: Typically, ITU documents
pertain more to global telecommunications issues than to industry technical
specifications. However, the ITU is deeply involved with the implementation of
worldwide Internet services. As in other areas, the ITU cooperates with several
different standards organizations, such as ISOC (discussed next), to develop
these standards.
ISOC (Internet Society), founded in 1992,
is a professional membership society that helps to establish technical
standards for the Internet. Some current ISOC concerns include the rapid growth
of the Internet and keeping it accessible, information security, and the need
for stable addressing services and open standards across the Internet. ISOC’s
membership consists of more than 44,000 Internet professionals from over 80
chapters around the world.
ISOC oversees groups with specific missions, such as
the (Internet Architecture Board).
IAB is a technical advisory group of researchers and technical professionals
interested in overseeing the Internet’s design and management. As part of its
charter, IAB is responsible for Internet growth and management strategy,
resolution of technical disputes, and standards oversight. Another ISOC group is the IETF
(Internet Engineering Task Force), the organization that sets standards
or how systems communicate over the Internet—in particular, how protocols
operate and interact. Anyone can submit a proposed standard for IETF approval.
The standard then undergoes elaborate review, testing, and approval processes.
On an international level, IETF works with the ITU to help give technical
standards approved in the United States international acceptance. You can learn
more about ISOC and its member organizations, IAB and IETF, at their Web site:
You have
learned that every computer on a network must have a unique address. On the Internet,
this is especially important because millions of different computers must be
available to transmit and receive data at any time. Addresses used to identify
computers on the Internet and other TCP/IP-based networks are known as IP
(Internet Protocol) addresses. To ensure that every Internet-connected device
has a unique IP address, organizations across the globe rely on centralized
authorities. In early Internet history, a nonprofit group called the IANA
(Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) kept records of available and
reserved IP addresses and determined how addresses were doled out. Starting in
1997, IANA coordinated its efforts with three RIRs (Regional Internet
Registries): ARIN (American Registry for Internet
Numbers), APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre), and RIPE
(Reseaux IP Europeens). An RIR is a not-for-profit agency that manages
the distribution of IP addresses to private and public entities. In the late 1990s,
the United States Department of Commerce (DOC), which funded IANA, decided to overhaul
IP addressing and domain name management. The DOC recommended the formation of ICANN
(Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a private,
nonprofit corporation. ICANN is now ultimately responsible for IP addressing
and domain name management. Technically speaking, however, IANA continues to
perform the system administration. Individuals and businesses do not typically
obtain IP addresses directly from an RIR or IANA. Instead, they lease a group
of addresses from their ISP (Internet service provider),a business that
provides organizations and individuals with access to the Internet and often, other
services, such as e-mail and Web hosting. An ISP, in turn, arranges with its
RIR for the right to use certain IP addresses on its network. The RIR obtains
its right to dole out those addresses from ICANN. In addition, the RIR
coordinates with IANA to ensure that the addresses are associated with devices
connected to the ISP’s network. You can learn more about IANA and ICANN at
their Web sites,
The OSI Model
In the early 1980s, ISO began work on a universal set of
specifications that would enable computer platforms across the world to
communicate openly. The result was a helpful model for understanding and
developing computer-to-computer communications over a network. This model,
called the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, divides network
communications into seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and
At each layer, protocols perform services unique to that layer. While
performing those services, the protocols also interact with protocols in the
layers directly above and below. In addition, at the top of the OSI model,
Application layer protocols interact with the software you use (such as an
e-mail or spreadsheet program). At the bottom, Physical layer services act on
the networking cables and connectors to issue and receive signals. You have
already learned that protocols are the rules by which computers communicate. A
protocol is simply a set of instructions written by a programmer to perform a
function or group of functions. Some protocols are included with a computer’s
operating system. Others are files installed with software programs. The OSI model is a theoretical representation of what
happens between two nodes communicating on a network.
It does not prescribe the type of hardware or software that should support each
layer. Nor does it describe how software programs interact with other software
programs or how software programs interact with humans. Every process that
occurs during network communications can be associated with a layer of the OSI
model, so you should be familiar with the names of the layers and understand
the key services and protocols that belong to each.
Application (Layer 7)
interface between software applications and a network for interpreting
applications’ requests and requirements.
Presentation (Layer 6)
hosts and applications to use a common language; performs data formatting,
encryption, and compression.
Session (Layer 5)
maintains, and terminates user connections.
Transport (Layer 4)
accurate delivery of data through flow control, segmentation and reassembly,
error correction, and acknowledgment.
Network (Layer 3)
network connections; translates network addresses into their physical
counterparts and determines routing
Link (Layer 2)
data in frames appropriate to network transmission method.
Layer 1
signaling to and from physical network connections.
OSI Model Layers and Functions
The path that data takes from one computer to
another through the OSI model is:
First, a user or device
initiates a data exchange through the Application layer. The Application layer
separates data into PDUs (protocol data units), or discrete amounts of data.
From there, Application layer PDUs progress down through OSI model layers 6, 5,
4, 3, 2, and 1 before being issued to the network medium—for example, the wire.
The data traverses the network until it reaches the second computer’s Physical
layer. Then at the receiving computer the data progresses up the OSI model
until it reaches the second computer’s Application layer. This transfer of
information happens in milliseconds. Logically, however, each layer
communicates with the same layer from one computer to another. In other words,
the Application layer protocols on one computer exchange information with the
Application layer protocols of the second computer. Protocols from other layers
do not attempt to interpret Application layer data. In the following sections,
the OSI model layers are discussed from highest to lowest, beginning with the
Application layer, where the flow of information is initiated. Bear in mind
that the OSI model is a generalized and sometimes imperfect representation of
network communication. In some cases, network functions can be associated with
more than one layer of the model, and in other cases, network operations do not
require services from every layer.
Application Layer
The top, or seventh, layer of the OSI model
is the Application layer. Contrary to what its name implies, the Application
layer does not include software programs, such as Microsoft Word or Firefox.
Instead, the Application layer facilitates communication between such programs
and lower-layer network services. Services at this layer enable the network to
interpret a program’s request and the program to interpret data sent from the
network. Through Application layer protocols, programs negotiate their
formatting, procedural, security, synchronization, and other requirements with
the network. Note that not all these requirements are fulfilled by Application
layer protocols. They are merely agreed upon at this stage. For example, when
you choose to open a Web page in Firefox, an Application layer protocol called HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
formats and sends your request from your client’s browser (a software
application) to the server. It also formats and sends the Web server’s response
back to your client’s browser. Suppose you choose to view the Library of
Congress’s Web site. You type in Firefox and press
Enter. At that point, Firefox’s API
(application programming interface), a set of routines that make up
part of the software, transfers your request to the HTTP protocol. HTTP prompts lower-layer protocols to
establish a connection between your computer and the Web server. Next, HTTP
formats your request for the Web page and sends the request to the Web server.
One part of the HTTP request includes a command that begins with “GET” and
tells the server what page you want to retrieve. Other parts of the request
indicate what version of HTTP you’re using, what types of graphics and what
language your browser can accept, and what browser version you’re using, among
other things. After receiving your computer’s HTTP request, the Web server
responsible for responds, also via HTTP. Its response includes the
text and graphics that make up the Web page, plus specifications for the
content contained in the page, the HTTP version used, the type of HTTP
response, and the length of the page.However, if the Web page is
unavailable, the host,, sends an HTTP response containing an error
message, such as “Error 404 - File Not Found.” After receiving the Web server’s
response, your workstation uses HTTP to interpret this response so that Firefox
can present the Web page in a format you’ll recognize,
with neatly arranged text and images. Note that the information issued by one
node’s HTTP protocol is designed to be interpreted by the other node’s HTTP
protocol. However, as you will learn in later sections, HTTP requests cannot
traverse the network without the assistance of lower-layer protocols.
Presentation Layer
Protocols at the Presentation layer accept
Application layer data and format it so that one type of application and host
can understand data from another type of application and host. In other words,
the Presentation layer serves as a translator. If you have spent any time working
with computer graphics, you have probably heard of the GIF, JPG, and TIFF
methods of compressing and encoding graphics. MPEG and QuickTime are two
popular methods of compressing and encoding audio and video data. The popular
audio format MP3, for example, uses MPEG compression. It can turn a music track
that would require 30 MB of space on a CD into a file no larger than 3 MB—or
even smaller, if lower quality were acceptable. In the previous example of
requesting a Web page, the Presentation layer protocols would interpret the JPG
files transmitted within the Web server’s HTTP response. Presentation layer services also manage data
encryption (such as the scrambling of passwords) and decryption. For
example, if you look up your bank account status via the Internet, you are using
a secure connection, and Presentation layer protocols will encrypt your account
data before it is transmitted. On your end of the network, the Presentation
layer will decrypt the data as it is received.
Session Layer
Protocols in the Session layer
coordinate and maintain communications between two nodes on the network. The
term session refers
to a connection for ongoing data exchange between two parties. Historically, it was used in the context of
terminal and mainframe communications, in which the terminal is a device with
little (if any) of its own processing or disk capacity that depends on a host
to supply it with software and processing services. Today, the term session is
often used in the context of a connection between a remote client and an access
server or between a Web browser client and a Web server. When thinking in terms
of the OSI model, however, this is misleading. Modern networks don’t make use
of Session layer protocols for routine data exchange, such as Web page
retrieval or file sharing. Yet applications that require precisely coordinated
data exchanges, such as videoconferencing or voice (telephone) communication,
still use Session layer protocols. Among the Session layer’s functions are
establishing and keeping alive the communications link for the duration of the
session, keeping the communication secure, synchronizing the dialogue between
the two nodes, determining whether communications have been cut off, and, if
so, figuring out where to restart transmission, and terminating communications.
Session layer services also set the terms of communication by deciding which node
communicates first and how long a node can communicate. If a connection is
lost, the Session layer protocols will detect that and initiate attempts to
reconnect. If they cannot reconnect after a certain period of time, they will
close the session and inform your client software that communication has ended.
Finally, the Session layer monitors the identification of session participants,
ensuring that only the authorized nodes can access the session.
Transport Layer
Protocols in the Transport layer accept data from the Session layer and manage end-to-end
delivery of data. That means they can ensure
that the data are transferred from point A to point B reliably, in the correct
sequence, and without errors. Without Transport layer services, data could not
be verified or interpreted by its recipient. Transport layer protocols also
handle flow control, which is the process of gauging the appropriate rate of
transmission based on how fast the recipient can accept data. Dozens of
different Transport layer protocols exist, but most modern networks, such as
the Internet, rely on only a few. In the example of retrieving a Web page, a
Transport layer protocol called TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
takes care of reliably transmitting the HTTP protocol’s request from client to
server and vice versa. Some Transport
layer protocols take steps to ensure that data arrives exactly as it was sent.
Such protocols are connection oriented because they establish a connection with
another node before they begin transmitting data. TCP is one example of a connection-oriented protocol.In the case of requesting a Web
page, the client’s TCP protocol first sends a SYN (synchronization) packet request for a connection to the
Web server. The Web server responds with a SYN-ACK (synchronization-acknowledgment) packet, or a
confirmation, to indicate that it’s willing to make a connection. Then, the
client responds with its own ACK
(acknowledgment).Through this three-step process, also known as a
three-way handshake, a connection is established. Only after TCP establishes
this connection does it transmit the HTTP request for a Web page.
Acknowledgments are also used in subsequent communications to
ensure that data was properly delivered. For every data unit a node sends, its
connection-oriented protocol expects an acknowledgment from the recipient. For
example, after a client’s TCP protocol issued an HTTP request, it would expect
to receive an acknowledgment from the Web server proving that the data arrived.
If data isn’t acknowledged within a given time period, the client’s protocol
assumes the data was lost and retransmits it. To ensure data integrity further,
connection-oriented protocols such as TCP use a checksum. A checksum is
a unique character string that allows the receiving node to determine if an
arriving data unit exactly matches the data unit sent by the source. Checksums are added to data at the source and
verified at the destination. If at the destination a checksum doesn’t match
what the source predicted, the destination’s Transport layer protocols ask the
source to retransmit the data. As you will learn, protocols at other layers of
the OSI model also use checksums. Not
all Transport layer protocols are concerned with reliability. Those
that do not establish a connection before transmitting and make no effort to
ensure that data is delivered free of errors are called connectionless protocols. A connectionless
protocol’s lack of sophistication makes it more efficient than a
connection-oriented protocol and renders it useful in situations in which data
must be transferred quickly, such as live audio or video transmissions over the
Internet. In these cases, connection-oriented protocols—with their
acknowledgments, checksums, and flow control mechanisms—would add overhead to
the transmission and potentially bog it down. In a video transmission, for
example, this could result in pictures that are incomplete or aren’t updated
quickly enough to coincide with the audio. In addition to ensuring reliable
data delivery, Transport layer protocols break large data units received from
the Session layer into multiple smaller units, called segments. This process is known as segmentation. On certain types of networks, segmentation
increases data transmission efficiency. In some cases, segmentation is
necessary for data units to match a network’s MTU (maximum transmission unit), the largest data unit it will
carry. Every network type specifies a default MTU (though its size can be
modified to some extent by a network administrator). For example, by default,
Ethernet networks cannot accept packets with data payloads larger than 1500 bytes.
Suppose an application wants to send a 6000-byte unit of data. Before this data
unit can be issued to an Ethernet network, it must be segmented into units no
larger than 1500 bytes. To learn a network’s MTU size (and thereby determine
whether it needs to segment packets), Transport layer protocols perform a
discovery routine upon establishing a connection with the network. Thereafter, the
protocols will segment each data unit as necessary until closing the
connection. Segmentation is similar to the process of breaking down words into
recognizable syllables that a child uses when learning to read. Reassembly is the process of reconstructing the segmented
data units. To continue the reading analogy, when a child
understands the separate syllables, he can combine them into a word—that is, he
can reassemble the parts into a whole. To learn how reassembly works, suppose
that you asked this in history class: “Ms.
Jones? How did poor farming techniques contribute to the Dust Bowl?” but that
the words arrived at Ms. Jones’s ear as “poor farming techniques Ms. Jones? how
did to the Dust Bowl? contribute.” On a network, the Transport layer recognizes
this kind of disorder and rearranges the data pieces so that they make sense. Sequencing is a method of
identifying segments that belong to the same group of subdivided data.
Sequencing also indicates where a unit of data begins, as well as the order in
which groups of data were issued and, therefore, should be interpreted. While
establishing a connection, the Transport layer protocols from two devices agree
on certain parameters of their communication, including a sequencing scheme.
For sequencing to work properly, the Transport layer protocols of two nodes
must synchronize their timing and agree on a starting point for the
Network Layer
primary function of protocols at the Network layer,
the third layer in the OSI model, is to translate network addresses into their
physical counterparts and decide how to route data from the sender to the
receiver. Addressing is a system for assigning unique identification
numbers to devices on a network. Each node has two types of addresses. One type
of address is called a network address. Network addresses
a hierarchical addressing scheme and can be assigned through operating system
software. They are hierarchical because they contain subsets
of data that incrementally narrow down the location of a node, just as your
home address is hierarchical because it provides a country, state, zip code,
city, street, house number, and person’s name. Network layer address formats differ
depending on which Network layer protocol the network uses. Network addresses are
also called Network layer addresses,
logical addresses, or virtual addresses. The second type
of address assigned to each node is called a physical address. For example, a computer running on a TCP/IP
network might have a Network layer address of and a physical address
of 0060973E97F3. In the classroom example, this addressing scheme is like
saying that “Ms. Jones” and “United States citizen with Social Security number
123-45-6789” are the same person. Even
though there may be other people named “Ms. Jones” in the United States, only
one person has the Social Security number 123-45-6789. Within the confines of
your classroom, however, there is only one Ms. Jones, so you can be certain the
correct person will respond when you say, “Ms. Jones?” There’s no need to use her Social Security
number. Network layer protocols accept the Transport layer segments and add
logical addressing information in a network header. At this point, the data
unit becomes a packet. Network layer protocols also determine the path from
point A on one network to point B on another network by factoring in:
priorities (for example, packets that
make up a phone call connected through the Internet might be designated high
priority, whereas a mass e-mail message is low priority)
of service (for example, some packets may
require faster, more reliable delivery)
of alternative routes
process of determining the best path is known as routing. More formally, to route means to intelligently direct data based on addressing,
patterns of usage, and availability. Because the
Network layer handles routing, routers—the devices that connect network
segments and direct data—belong in the Network layer. Although there are
numerous Network layer protocols, one of the most common, and the one that
underlies most Internet traffic, is the IP
(Internet Protocol). In the example of requesting a Web page, IP is the
protocol that instructs the network where the HTTP request is coming from and
where it should go. On TCP/IP-based networks
(such as the Internet), Network layer protocols can perform an additional
function called fragmentation. In fragmentation, a Network layer protocol (such as IP)
subdivides the segments it receives from the Transport layer into smaller
packets. If this process sounds familiar, it’s because
fragmentation accomplishes the same task at the Network layer that segmentation
performs at the Transport layer. It ensures that packets issued to the network
are no larger than the network’s maximum transmission unit size. However, if a
Transport layer protocol performs segmentation, fragmentation may not be
necessary. For greater network efficiency, segmentation is preferred.
Not all Transport layer protocols are designed to accomplish segmentation. If a
Transport layer protocol cannot perform segmentation, Network layer protocols
will perform fragmentation, if needed.
Data Link Layer
In the second layer of the OSI model, the Data Link layer, protocols
divide data they receive from the Network layer into distinct frames that
can then be transmitted by the Physical layer. A frame is a structured package
for moving data that includes not only the raw data, or “payload,” but also the
senders and receiver’s network addresses, and error checking and control
information. The addresses tell the network where to deliver the frame, whereas
the error checking and control information ensure that the frame arrives
without any problems. To understand the function of the Data Link layer fully,
pretend for a moment that computers communicate as humans do. Suppose you are
in Ms. Jones’s large classroom, which is full of noisy students, and you need
to ask the teacher a . To get your message through, you might say, “Ms. Jones?
Can you explain more about the effects of railroads on commerce in the
mid-nineteenth century?” In this example, you are the sender (in a busy
network) and you have addressed your recipient, Ms. Jones, just as the Data
Link layer addresses another computer on the network. In addition, you have
formatted your thought as a , just as the Data Link layer formats data into
frames that can be interpreted by receiving computers. What happens if the room
is so noisy that Ms. Jones hears only part of your ? For example, she might
receive “on commerce in the late-nineteenth century?” This kind of error can happen in network
communications as well (because of wiring problems, for example). The Data Link layer protocols find out
that information has been dropped and ask the first computer to retransmit its
message—just as in a classroom setting Ms. Jones might say, I didn’t hear you.
Can you repeat the ?” The Data Link layer accomplishes this task through a
process called error checking. Error
checking is accomplished by a 4-byte FCS
(frame check sequence) field, whose purpose is to ensure that the data
at the destination exactly match the data issued from the source. When the source node transmits the data, it performs
an algorithm (or mathematical routine) called a CRC (cyclic redundancy check). CRC takes the values of all of
the preceding fields in the frame and generates a unique 4-byte number, the
FCS. When the destination node receives the frame, its Data Link layer services
unscramble the FCS via the same CRC algorithm and ensure that the frame’s
fields match their original form. If this comparison fails, the receiving node
assumes that the frame has been damaged in transit and requests that the source
node retransmit the data. Note that the receiving node, and not the sending
node, is responsible for detecting errors. In addition, the sender’s Data Link
layer waits for acknowledgment from the receiver’s Transport layer that data
was received correctly. If the sender does not get this acknowledgment within a
prescribed period of time, its Data Link layer gives instruction to retransmit the
information. The Data Link layer never tries to figure out what went wrong.
Similarly, as in a busy classroom, Ms. Jones will probably say, “Pardon me?”
rather than, “It sounds as if you might have a
about railroads, and I heard only the last part of it, which dealt with
commerce, so I assume you are asking about commerce and railroads; is that
correct? Obviously, the former method is more efficient.Another communications mishap that might occur in a
noisy classroom or on a busy network is a glut of communication requests. For
example, at the end of class, 20 people might ask Ms. Jones 20 different s at
once. Of course, she can’t pay attention to all of them simultaneously. She
will probably say, “One person at a time, please,” then point to one student who
asked a . This is just like what the Data Link layer does for the Physical layer.
One node on a network (a Web server, for example) may receive multiple requests
that include many frames of data each. The Data Link layer controls the flow
of this information, allowing the NIC to process data without error. In
fact, the IEEE has divided the Data Link layer into two sublayers. The reason
for this change was to allow higher-layer protocols (for example, those
operating in the Network layer) to interact with Data Link layer protocols
without regard for Physical layer specifications. The upper sublayer of the
Data Link layer, called the LLC (Logical Link Control)
sublayer, provides
an interface to the Network layer protocols, manages flow control, and issues requests
for transmission for data that have suffered errors. The MAC (Media Access Control)
sublayer, the lower sublayer of the Data Link layer,
manages access to the physical medium. It appends the physical address of
the destination computer onto the data frame. The physical address is a
fixed number associated with a device’s network interface. It is assigned
to each NIC at the factory and stored in the NIC’s on-board memory. Because
this address is appended by the MAC sublayer of the Data Link layer, it is also
known as a MAC address or a
Data Link layer address. Sometimes, it’s also called a hardware address. You
can find a NIC’s physical address through your computer’s protocol
configuration utility or by simply looking at the NIC. The physical address
will be stamped directly onto the NIC’s circuit board or on a sticker attached
to some part of the NIC. Physical addresses contain two parts. The first part,
known as the OUI (Organizationally
Unique Identifier), is a character
sequence assigned by IEEE that identifies the NIC’s manufacturer. For
example, a series of Ethernet NICs manufactured by the 3Com Corporation begins
with the hexadecimal characters “00608C,” while a series of Ethernet NICs
manufactured by Intel begins with “00AA00.” Some manufacturers have several
different OUIs. IEEE also uses the term company_id to refer to the OUI.
Traditionally, this portion of a physical address is sometimes called the block
ID. The remaining characters in a physical address, known as the extension
identifier, identify the interface. Vendors such as 3Com and Intel assign each
NIC a unique extension identifier, based on the NIC’s model and manufacture
date. By assigning unique extension identifiers, companies ensure that no two
NICs share the same physical address. Extension identifiers may also be known
as device IDs. In traditional physical addressing schemes, the OUI is six
characters (or 24 bits) long and the extension identifier is also six
characters long. Together, the OUI and extension identifier form a whole
physical address. For example, IBM might assign one of its NICs the extension identifier
005499. The combination of the IBM OUI and this extension identifier result in
a unique, 12-character, or 48-bit address of 00608C005499. Physical addresses are frequently depicted as
hexadecimal numbers separated by colons—for example, 0:60:8C:00:54:99.Whereas the traditional MAC
addressing scheme assigns interfaces a 48-bit address, IEEE’s newer EUI-64
(Extended Unique Identifier-64) standard calls for a 64-bit physical address. In the EUI-64 standard, the OUI portion is 24 bits
in length. A 40-bit extension identifier makes up the rest of the physical
address to total 64 bits. Hexadecimal, or base 16, is a numeral system that
uses 0 through 9 to represent its first 10 numbers, and then uses the letters A
through F to represent the next six numbers.
0123456789 A B C D E F
In hexadecimal notation, the decimal number 12 is
represented by the letter C, for example. Starting with the decimal number 16,
hexadecimal notation uses a 1 to represent the previous 15 digits and begins
counting again at 0. In other words, a decimal number 16 is represented as 10
in hexadecimal and a decimal number 32 is represented as 20 in hexadecimal, or
2 x 16 + 0 x 1. You can convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number by
multiplying the decimal equivalent of the digit in each position by its
hexadecimal value for that position. Each value is an exponential value of 16.
For instance, the value at position 3 equals 16 3 or 4096. The value
associated with positions is shown below (note that positions can extend beyond
the 4 Hexadecimal position: 4 3 2 1 0th position): Hexadecimal
value: 65536 4096 256 16 1 The decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number C0F
is 12 x 256 + 0 x 16 + 15 x 1, or 3072 + 0 + 15, or 3087. In computer science,
hexadecimal notation (sometimes called, simply, “hex”) is used as a shorter,
readable version of the binary numbers that computers interpret. If you know a
computer’s physical address, you can determine which company manufactured its
NIC by looking up its block ID. IEEE maintains a database of block IDs and
their manufacturers, which is accessible via the Web. At the time of this
writing, the database search page could be found at: Because of their hardware addressing
function, NICs can be said to perform
in the Data Link layer of the OSI model. However, they also perform services in
the Physical layer, which is described next.
Physical layer is the lowest, or first, layer of the OSI model. Protocols at the Physical layer accept frames from
the Data Link layer and generate signals as changes in voltage at the NIC.
(Signals are made of electrical impulses that, when issued in a certain
pattern, represent information.) When the network uses copper as its
transmission medium, these signals are also issued over the wire as voltage. In
the case of fiber-optic cable, signals are issued as light pulses. When a
network uses wireless transmission, the signals are sent from antennas as
electromagnetic waves. When receiving data, Physical layer protocols detect and
accept signals, which they pass on to the Data Link layer. Physical layer
protocols also set the data transmission rate and monitor data error rates.
However, even if they recognize an error, they cannot perform error correction.
When you install a NIC in your desktop PC and connect it to a cable, you are
establishing the foundation that allows the computer to be networked. In other
words, you are providing a Physical layer. Simple connectivity devices such as
hubs and repeaters operate at the Physical layer. NICs operate at both the
Physical layer and at the Data Link layer. As you would expect, physical
network problems, such as a severed wire or a broken connectivity device,
affect the Physical layer. Similarly, if you insert a NIC but fail to seat it
deeply enough in the computer’s main circuit board, your computer will
experience network problems at the Physical layer. Most of the functions
that network administrators are most concerned with happen in the first four
layers of the OSI model: Physical, Data Link, Network, and Transport. Software
programmers, on the other hand, are more apt to be concerned with what happens
at the Application, Presentation, and Session layers.
Communication between Two Systems
Based on what you have learned about the OSI model,
it should be clear to you that data issued from a software application are
not in the same form as the data that your NIC sends to the network. At
each layer of the OSI model, some information—for example, a format
specification or a network address—is added to the original data. After it has
followed the path from the Application layer to the Physical layer, data are
significantly transformed. The following paragraphs describe this process in
detail. To understand how data changes, it is useful to trace the steps in a
typical client/server exchange, such as retrieving a mail message from a mail
server. Suppose that you connect to your company’s network from your home
computer via a broadband Internet connection, log on, start your e-mail
application, and then click a button in the e-mail application to retrieve your
mail from the server. At that point, Application layer services on your
computer accept data from your mail application and formulate a request meant
for the mail server software. They add an application header to the data that
the program wants to send. The application header contains information about
the e-mail application’s requirements, so that the mail server can fulfill its
request properly. The Application layer transfers the request to the
Presentation layer, in the form of a protocol data unit (PDU). The Presentation
layer first determines whether and how it should format or encrypt the data
request received from the Application layer. For example, if your mail client
requires encryption, the Presentation layer protocols will add that information
to the PDU in a presentation header. If your e-mail message contains graphics
or formatted text, that information will also be added. Then, the Presentation layer sends its PDU to
the Session layer, which adds a session header that contains information about
how your home computer communicates with the network. For example, the session
header might indicate that your Internet connection can only transmit and
receive data at 512 Kbps. The Session layer then passes the PDU to the
Transport layer. At the Transport layer, the PDU—your request for mail and the
headers added by previous layers—is broken down into smaller pieces of data, or
segments. The segments’ maximum size is dictated by the type of network transmission
method in use (for example, Ethernet). Suppose your mail request PDU is too
large to be a single segment. In that case, Transport layer protocols subdivide
it into two or more smaller segments and assign sequence identifiers to all of
the smaller segments. This information becomes part of the transport header.
Protocols also add checksum, flow control, and acknowledgment data to the
transport header. The Transport layer then passes these segments, one at a
time, to the Network layer. Next, Network layer protocols add logical addressing
information to the segments, so that your request will be properly routed to
the mail server and the mail server will respond to your computer. This
information is contained in the network header. With the addition of network
address information, the pieces of data are called packets. The Network layer
then passes the packets to the Data Link layer. At the Data Link layer,
protocols add a header to the front of each packet and a trailer to the end of
each packet to make frames. (The trailer indicates where a frame ends.) In
other words, the Data Link layer protocols encapsulate the Network layer
packets. Encapsulation is frequently compared with placing an
envelope within a larger envelope. This analogy conveys the idea that the
Data Link layer does not attempt to interpret any information added in the
Network layer, but simply surrounds it. Using frames reduces the possibility of
lost data or errors on the network because built into each frame is a way of
checking for errors. After verifying that the data have not been damaged, the
Data Link layer then passes the frames to the Physical layer. Finally, your
request for mail, in the form of many frames, hits the NIC at the Physical
layer. The Physical layer does not
interpret the frames or add information to the frames; it simply
transmits them over the broadband connection to your LAN, across your office
network, and to the mail server after the binary digits (bits), or ones and
zeroes, have been converted to electrical pulses. As the frames arrive at the
mail server, the server’s Physical layer accepts the frames and transfers them
to the Data Link layer. The mail server begins to unravel your request,
reversing the process just described, until it responds to your request with
its own transmission, beginning from its Application layer.
The terms frame, packet, datagram,
and PDU are sometimes used
interchangeably to refer to a small piece of data formatted for network
transmission. Technically, however, a packet
is a piece of information that contains network addressing information,
and a frame is a piece of data
enclosed by a Data Link layer header and trailer. Datagram is synonymous with packet. PDU generically refers to a unit of data at
any layer of the OSI model. However, networking professionals sometimes use the term packet to refer to
frames, PDUs, and Transport layer segments alike.
Frame Specifications
You have learned that frames are composed of several
smaller components, or fields. The characteristics of these components depend
on the type of network on which the frames run and on the standards that they
must follow. By far, the most popular type of networking technology in use
today is Ethernet, which uses Ethernet frames. You’ll learn much more about
Ethernet in Chapter 5, but the following serves as an introduction, as well as
a comparison between this favored
network type and its historical rival, token ring. Ethernet is a
networking technology originally developed at Xerox in the early 1970s and improved
by Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel, and Xerox. There are four different types
of Ethernet frames. The most popular
form of Ethernet is characterized by the unique way in which devices share a
common transmission channel, described in the IEEE 802.3 standard. A
much less-common networking technology, token
ring, was developed by IBM in the 1980s. It relies upon direct links
between nodes and a ring topology. Nodes pass around tokens, special control frames
that indicate to the network when a particular node is about to transmit data.
Although this networking technology is nearly obsolete, there is a remote chance
that you might work on a token ring network. The IEEE has defined token ring technology in its 802.5 standard. Ethernet
frames are different from token ring frames, and the two will not interact with
each other on a network. In fact, most
LANs do not support more than one frame type because devices cannot support
more than one frame type per physical interface, or NIC. (NICs can, however,
support multiple protocols.) Although you can conceivably transmit both token ring
and Ethernet frames on a network, Ethernet interfaces cannot interpret token
ring frames, and vice versa. Normally, LANs use either Ethernet or token ring,
and almost all contemporary LANs use
It is important to know what frame type (or types)
your network environment requires. You will use this information when
installing network operating systems, configuring servers and client
workstations, installing NICs, troubleshooting network problems, and purchasing
network equipment.
IEEE Networking Specifications
In addition to frame types and addressing, IEEE
networking specifications apply to connectivity, networking media,
error-checking algorithms, encryption, emerging technologies, and more. All of
these specifications fall under the IEEE’s
Project 802, an effort to standardize physical and logical elements of a
network. IEEE developed these standards before the OSI model was standardized by ISO, but IEEE’s 802 standards can be applied to the layers of the OSI model.
The section below describes just some of the IEEE 802 specifications. The
Network+ certification exam includes questions about IEEE 802 specifications,
with an emphasis on the technologies described by 802.3 and 802.11.
802.1 - Bridging and
Management; Routing, bridging, and network-to-network
802.2 - Logical Link
Control; Error and flow control over data frames
802.3 - Ethernet; All forms of Ethernet media and interfaces
802.5 - Token Ring
LAN; All forms of token ring media and interfaces
802.11- Wireless LANs;
Standards for wireless networking for many different broadcast frequencies and
usage techniques.
802.15 - Wireless PANs;
The coexistence of wireless personal area networks with other wireless devices
in unlicensed frequency bands
802.16 - Broadband
Wireless MANs; The atmospheric interface and related functions associated
with broadband wireless connectivity; also
known as WiMAX
802.17 - Resilient
Packet Rings; Access method, physical layer specifications, and management
of shared packet-based transmission on resilient rings (such as SONET)
802.20 - Mobile
Broadband; Wireless Access; Packet handling and other specifications for
multivendor, mobile high-speed wireless transmission, nicknamed “mobile WiMAX”
802.22 -Wireless
Regional Area Networks; Wireless, broadcast-style network to operate in the
UHF/VHF frequency bands formerly used for TV channels
- Standards are documented agreements containing precise criteria that are used as guidelines to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services suit their purpose. Standards also help to ensure interoperability between software and hardware from different manufacturers.
- Some of the significant standards organizations are ANSI, EIA/TIA, IEEE, ISO, ITU, ISOC, IANA, and ICANN.
- ISO’s OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model represents communication between two computers on a network. It divides networking architecture into seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. Each layer has its own set of functions and interacts with the layers directly above and below it.
- Protocols in the Application layer, the seventh layer of the OSI model, enable software programs to negotiate their formatting, procedural, security, synchronization, and other requirements with the network.
- Protocols in the Presentation layer, the sixth OSI model layer, serve as translators between the application and the network, using a common language for different hosts and applications to exchange data.
- Protocols in the Session layer, the fifth OSI model layer, coordinate and maintain links between two devices for the duration of their communication. They also synchronize dialogue, determine whether communications have been cut off, and, if so, figure out where to restart transmission.
- The primary function of protocols in the Transport layer, the fourth OSI model layer, is to oversee end-to-end data delivery. In the case of connection-oriented protocols, this means data are delivered reliably. They verify that data are received in the same sequence in which they were sent. They are also responsible for flow control, segmentation, and reassembly of packets. Connectionless Transport layer protocols do not offer such guarantees.
- Protocols in the Network layer, the third OSI model layer, manage logical addressing and determine routes based on addressing, patterns of usage, and availability. Routers belong to the Network layer because they use this information to intelligently direct data from sender to receiver.
- Network layer addresses, also called logical or virtual addresses, are assigned to devices through operating system software. They are composed of hierarchical information, so they can be easily interpreted by routers and used to direct data to their destination.
- The primary function of protocols at the Data Link layer, the second layer of the OSI model, is to organize data they receive from the Network layer into frames that contain error-checking routines and can then be transmitted by the Physical layer.
- The Data Link layer is subdivided into the Logical Link Control and MAC sublayers. The LLC sublayer ensures a common interface for the Network layer protocols. The MAC sublayer is responsible for adding physical address data to frames.
- Physical addresses (also known as MAC addresses) are 48- or 64-bit unique identifiers assigned to each network interface. They consist of an OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier), which is assigned to manufacturers by IEEE, and an extension identifier, a unique number assigned to each NIC by the manufacturer.
- Protocols at the Physical layer generate and detect signals so as to transmit and receive data over a network medium. These protocols also set the data transmission rate and monitor data error rates, but do not provide error correction.
- A data request from a software program is received by the Application layer protocols and is transferred down through the layers of the OSI model until it reaches the Physical layer (the network cable, for example). At that point, data is sent to its destination over the network medium, and the Physical layer protocols at the destination send it back up through the layers of the OSI model until it reaches the Application layer.
- Data frames are small blocks of data with control, addressing, and handling information attached to them. Frames are composed of several fields. The characteristics of these fields depend on the type of network on which the frames run and the standards that they must follow. Ethernet and token ring networks use different frame types, and one type of network cannot interpret the others’ frames.
- In addition to frame types and addressing schemes, the IEEE networking specifications apply to connectivity, networking media, error-checking algorithms, encryption, emerging technologies, and more. All of these specifications fall under the IEEE’s Project 802, an effort to standardize the elements of networking.
- Significant IEEE 802 standards are 802.3, which describes Ethernet; 802.11, which describes wireless networking; and 802.16, which describes broadband wireless metropolitan area networks.
The IEEE standard for error and flow
control in data frames.
The IEEE standard for Ethernet
networking devices and data handling (using the CSMA/CD access method).
The IEEE standard for token ring
networking devices and data handling.
The IEEE standard for wireless
A response generated at the
Transport layer of the OSI model that confirms to a sender that its frame was
received. This packet is the third of three in the three-step process of
establishing a connection.
See ACK. (Spelled Out)
American National Standards
See. ANSI. (Spelled Out)
An organization composed of more
than 1000 representatives from industry and government who together determine
standards for the electronics industry in addition to other fields, such as
chemical and nuclear engineering, health and safety, and construction.
A set of routines that make up part
of a software application.
Application layer
The seventh layer of the OSI model.
This layer protocols enable software programs to negotiate formatting,
procedural, security, synchronization, and other requirements with the
application programming interface
See API. (Spelled Out)
block ID
See OUI, company_id.
A method of error checking that
determines if the contents of an arriving data unit match the contents of the
data unit sent by the source.
See OUI, block ID.
connection oriented
A type of Transport layer protocol
that requires the establishment of a connection between communicating nodes
before it will transmit data.
A type of Transport layer protocol
that services a request without requiring a verified session and without
guaranteeing delivery of data.
An algorithm (or mathematical
routine) used to verify the accuracy of data contained in a data frame.
cyclic redundancy check
See CRC. (Spelled Out)
Data Link layer
The second layer in the OSI model.
This layer bridges the networking media with the Network layer. Its primary
function is to divide the data it receives from the Network layer into frames
that can then be transmitted by the Physical layer.
Data Link layer address
See MAC address, physical address,
hardware address.
device ID
See extension identifier.
A trade organization composed of
representatives from electronics manufacturing firms across the United States
that sets standards for electronic equipment and lobbies for legislation
favorable to the growth of the computer and electronics industries.
Electronic Industries Alliance
See EIA. (Spelled Out)
The process of wrapping one layer's
PDU with protocol information so that it can be interpreted by a lower layer.
For example, Data Link layer protocols _____ Network layer packets in
A networking technology originally
developed at Xerox in the 1970s and improved by Digital Equipment Corporation,
Intel, and Xerox. _____, which is the most common form of network transmission
technology, follows the IEEE 802.3 standard.
The IEEE standard defining 64-bit
physical addresses. In the ____ scheme, the OUI portion of an address is 24 bits
in length. A 40-bit extension identifier makes up the rest of the physical
address to total 64 bits.
Extended Unique Identifier-64
See EUI-64. (Spelled Out)
Extension identifier
A unique set of characters assigned
to each NIC by its manufacturer. In the traditional, 48-bit physical addressing
scheme, it is 24 bits long. In EUI-64, it is 40 bits long.
The field in a frame responsible for
ensuring that data carried by the frame arrives intact. It uses an algorithm,
such as CRC, to accomplish this verification.
Flow control
A method of gauging the appropriate
rate of data transmission based on how fast the recipient can accept
A Network layer service that
subdivides segments it receives from the Transport layer into smaller
A package for data that includes not
only the raw data, or "payload," but also the sender's and
recipient's addressing and control information. They are generated at the Data
Link layer of the OSI model and are issued to the network at the Physical
Frame check sequence
See FCS. (Spelled Out)
Hardware address
See MAC address, physical address,
Data Link layer address.
An Application layer protocol that
formulates and interprets requests between Web clients and servers.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
See HTTP. (Spelled Out)
A technical advisory group of
researchers and technical professionals responsible for Internet growth and
management strategy, resolution of technical disputes, and standards
A nonprofit, US government funded
group established at University of Southern California and charged with
managing IP address allocation and the DNS. Oversight for many of the
organizations functions was given to ICANN in 1998; ____ continues to perform
Internet addressing and DNS administration.
The nonprofit corporation currently
designated by the United States government to maintain and assign IP
An international society composed of
engineering professionals. Its goals are to promote development and education
in the electrical engineering and computer science fields.
An organization that sets standards
for how systems communicate over the Internet (for example, how protocols
operate and interact).
Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers
See IEEE. (Spelled Out)
International Organization for
See ISO. (Spelled Out)
International Telecommunication
See ITU. (Spelled Out)
Internet Architecture Board
See IAB. (Spelled Out)
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
See IANA. (Spelled Out)
Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers
See ICANN. (Spelled Out)
Internet Engineering Task Force
See IETF. (Spelled Out)
Internet Protocol
See IP. (Spelled Out)
Internet Protocol address
See IP address. (Spelled Out)
Internet service provider
See ISP. (Spelled Out)
Internet Society
See ISOC. (Spelled Out)
A core protocol in the TCP/IP suite
that operates in the Network layer of the OSI model and provides information
about how and where data should be delivered. The subprotocol that enables
TCP/IP to internetwork.
IP address
The Network layer address assigned
to nodes to uniquely identify them on a TCP/IP network. IPv4 addresses consist
of 32 bits divided into four octets, or bytes. IPv6 addresses are composed of
eight 16-bit fields, for a total of 128 bits.
A collection of standards
organizations representing 162 countries with headquarters located in Geneva,
Switzerland. Its goal is to establish international technological standards to
facilitate the global exchange of information and barrier-free trade.
A professional organization with
members from 90 chapters around the world that helps to establish technical
standards for the Internet.
A business that provides
organizations and individuals with Internet access and often, other services,
such as e-mail and Web hosting.
A United Nations agency that
regulates international telecommunications and provides developing countries
with technical expertise and equipment to advance their technological
LLC sublayer
The upper sublayer in the Data Link
layer. Provides a common interface and supplies reliability and flow control
logical address
See network address, Network layer
address, virtual address.
Logical Link Control sublayer
See LLC sublayer. (Spelled
MAC address
See physical address, Data Link
Layer address, hardware address.
MAC sublayer
The lower sublayer of the Data Link
layer. Appends the physical address of the destination computer onto the frame.
maximum transmission unit
See MTU. (Spelled Out)
Media Access Control sublayer
See MAC sublayer. (Spelled
The largest data unit a network (for
example, Ethernet or token ring) will accept for transmission.
Network address
A unique identifying number for a
network node that follows a hierarchical addressing scheme and can be assigned
through operating system software. Added to data packets and interpreted by
protocols at the Network layer of the OSI model.
Network layer
The third layer in the OSI model.
Protocols in this layer translate network addresses into their physical
counterparts and decide how to route data from the sender to the
Network layer address
See network address, logical
address, virtual address.
Open Systems Interconnection model
See OSI model. (Spelled Out)
Organizationally Unique Identifier
See OUI. (Spelled Out)
OSI model
A model for understanding and
developing computer-to-computer communication developed in the 1980s by ISO. It
divides networking functions among seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network,
Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application.
A 24-bit character sequence assigned
by IEEE that appears at the beginning of a network interface's physical address
and identifies the NIC's manufacturer.
A unit of data at any layer of the
OSI model.
physical address
A 48- or 64-bit network interface
identifier that includes two parts: the OUI, assigned by IEEE to the manufacturer,
and the extension identifier, a unique number assigned to each NIC by the
Physical layer
The lowest, or first, layer of the
OSI model. Protocols in this layer generate and detect signals so as to
transmit and receive data over a network medium. These protocols also set the
data transmission rate and monitor data error rates, but do not provide error
Presentation layer
Sixth layer of OSI model. Protocols
translate between application and network. Data are formatted in a schema that
the network can understand, format varying according to type of network used.
Also manages data encryption and decryption, such as scrambling of system
protocol data unit
See PDU. (Spelled Out)
The process of reconstructing data
units that have been segmented.
Regional Internet Registry
See RIR. (Spelled Out)
A not-for-profit agency that manages
the distribution of IP addresses to private and public entities. ARIN covers
North, Central, and South America and sub-Saharan Africa. APNIC covers Asia and
the Pacific region. RIPE covers Europe and North Africa.
To intelligently direct data between
networks based on addressing, patterns of usage, and availability of network
A device that connects network
segments and directs data based on information contained in the data
Units of data that result from
subdividing a larger protocol data unit.
The process of decreasing the size
of data units when moving data from a network that can handle larger data units
to a network that can handle only smaller data units.
The process of assigning a
placeholder to each piece of a data block to allow the receiving node's
Transport layer to reassemble the data in the correct order.
A connection for data exchange
between two parties. The term may be used in the context of Web, remote access,
or terminal and mainframe communications, for example.
Session layer
The fifth layer in the OSI model. This
layer establishes and maintains communication between two nodes on the network.
It can be considered the "traffic cop" for communications, such as
videoconferencing, that require precisely coordinated data exchange.
A documented agreement containing
technical specifications or other precise criteria that are used as guidelines
to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services suit their intended
The packet one node sends to request
a connection with another node on the network. This packet is the first of
three in the three-step process of establishing a connection.
The packet a node sends to
acknowledge to another node that it has received a SYN request for connection.
This packet is the second of three in the three-step process of establishing a
See SYN. (Spelled Out)
See SYN-ACK. (Spelled Out)
Telecommunication Industry
See TIA. (Spelled Out)
A device with little (if any) of its
own processing or disk capacity that depends on a host to supply it with
applications and data-processing services.
three-way handshake
A three-step process in which
Transport layer protocols establish a connection between nodes. The three steps
are: Node A issues a SYN packet to node B, node B responds with SYN-ACK, and
node A responds with ACK.
A subgroup of the EIA that focuses
on standards for information technology, wireless, satellite, fiber optics, and
telephone equipment. Best known standard __/EIA alliance are its guidelines for
how network cable should be installed in commercial buildings, known as
"__/EIA 568-B Series."
A special control frame that
indicates to the rest of the network that a particular node has the right to
transmit data.
token ring
A networking technology developed by
IBM in the 1980s. It relies upon direct links between nodes and a ring
topology, using tokens to allow nodes to transmit data.
Transport layer
The transport
layer is the fourth layer of the OSI model. In this layer, protocols ensure
that data are transferred from point A to point B reliably and without errors.
This layer services include flow control, acknowledgment, error correction,
segmentation, reassembly, and sequencing.
virtual address
network address, logical address, network layer address.
Review Questions
Your supervisor has
asked you
to correct several
management problems that might be slowing down the network.
Which organization’s standards
guide you in assessing
your firm’s current
cabling situation?
a. ISO
b. ITU
Which technology does
IEEE 802.11 specification describe?
a. Network
b. Ethernet LANs
c. Logical Link Control
d. Wireless
3. You are configuring clients
to communicate
over an Ethernet LAN. Which
of the following IEEE specifications will
identify which frame
type your client
should use?
a. 801.2
c. 802.11
d. 801.16
Which layer of
the OSI model is responsible for issuing acknowledgments (ACKs)?
a. Application
b. Data Link
c. Network
d. Transport layer
Suppose your network is connected
to another network
via a router. Which OSI model layer
provides the information necessary to direct data
between the two networks ?
a. Data Link layer
b. Physical layer
c. Network layer
d. Session
In which two layers
of the OSI model
do NICs
a. Presentation and Application layers
b. Transport
and Network layers
c. Network
and Data Link layers
d. Physical and Data
Which OSI model layer
is responsible for keeping open
a communications path between your computer and
the server when you dial
in to a remote access
a. Session layer
b. Data Link
c. Presentation layer
d. Physical layer
Under what
circumstances would the Transport
layer use
a. When
too many data frames are flooding into
a receiving node’s NIC
b. When more
than 10 percent
of transmitted frames are damaged
c. When the
destination node cannot accept
the size of the data blocks transmitted by the source node
d. When the source node requests that
data blocks be segmented
for faster processing
Which OSI model
layer generates and
detects voltage so as
to transmit and receive
carrying data?
a. Physical
b. Data Link
c. Network
d. Transport
10. An IP address
is an example of
type of address?
a. Physical
b. Network layer
c. MAC sublayer
d. Data Link
11. If the TCP protocol
did not receive an acknowledgment for data
it transmitted,
what would it do?
a. Issue its
own acknowledgment, indicating to
recipient that it
did not receive the acknowledgment it
b. Issue a warning frame to tell
recipient it
would retransmit the data if it did not receive the acknowledgment
within a certain time frame
c. Reestablish
the connection with the recipient
d. Retransmit the data to
12. Which
part of a MAC address
is unique to each manufacturer?
a. The destination ID
b. The OUI
c. The physical node ID
d. The SYN
13. What is
the purpose of the trailer field
added to a frame in the Data Link
a. To indicate
the sum of the error-checking algorithm
b. To signal the rate at
a node can receive the
c. To mark the end of a frame
d. To represent the frame’s sequence number
14. Which layer
of the OSI model encapsulates Network layer
a. Physical
b. Session
c. Data
d. Transport
15. At what OSI model layer do protocols
manage data delivery priorities?
a. Presentation layer
b. Session
c. Transport layer
d. Network layer
16. What are the sublayers
of the Data Link layer as
defined in the IEEE 802 standards?
a. Logical Link Control
sublayer and Media Access
b. Transport
Control sublayer and
Media Access Control sublayer
c. Logical Link Control
and Physical Addressing sublayer
d. Transport
Control sublayer and Data Link Control
Suppose that, at the receiving node, a frame’s FCS doesn’t
the FCS it was issued
at the transmitting
node. What happens as a result?
a. The receiving node’s
Transport layer assesses
the error and corrects it.
b. The transmitting node’s
Data Link layer
assesses the error and
corrects it.
c. The receiving
node’s Data
layer requests a retransmission.
d. The transmitting node’s
Transport layer immediately issues a replacement frame.
18. In which
of the following situations would it be most desirable to use a connectionless
Transport layer protocol?
a. When
retrieving a spreadsheet from
a busy file server
b. When viewing a movie on the
c. When
connecting to
a graphics-intensive
d. When sending an e-mail message to a long list
of recipients
19. Which
of the following would be found
in a Data Link layer header?
a. The packet’s
b. The packet’s sequence number
c. The source’s
logical address
d. The source’s physical
default, what
is the largest data payload that packets
on an Ethernet network can
a. 64 bytes
b. 128 bytes
c. 1500 bytes
d. 2400 bytes
Sample Quiz
1. By far, the most
popular type of networking technology in use today is ________ .
a. Frame Relay
b. Ethernet
c. Broadband
d. Token Ring
2. Simple connectivity
devices such as hubs and repeaters operate at the ________ layer.
a. Network
b. Physical
c. Transport
d. Data Link
3. Within the OSI Model
Transport layer, ________ is the process of gauging the appropriate rate of
transmission based on how fast the recipient can accept data.
a. load balancing
b. flow control
c. capacity planning
d. throughput management
4. What organization is
responsible for IP addressing and domain name management?
a. ISOC (Internet Society)
b. ICANN (Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers)
c. ISO (International Organization for
d. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
5. Data issued from a
software application are not in the same form as the data that a NIC sends to
the network.
a. True
6. IEEE developed the
EEE 802 specifications after the OSI model was standardized by ISO.
a. True
b. False
7. Most LANs support
more than one frame type.
a. True
b. False
8. The OSI model is a
theoretical representation of what happens between two nodes communicating on a
a. True
b. False
9. TCP is an example of a
connection-oriented protocol.
a. True
b. False
10. The top, or seventh, layer of
the OSI model is the ________ layer.
a. Application
b. Physical
c. Transport
d. Presentation
11. What dictates a segments'
maximum size?
a. The type of network transmission method
in use
b. The NIC manufacturer's specifications
c. The network operating system
d. The type of transmission media in use
12. What document contains technical
specifications or other precise criteria stipulating how a particular product
or service should be designed or performed?
a. Contracts
b. Policies
c. Guidelines
d. Standards
13. Which IEEE 802 specification
technologies are emphasized in the Network+ certification exam?
a. 802.3 (Ethernet) and 802.5 (Token Ring LAN)
b. 802.5 (Token Ring LAN) and 802.11 (Wireless LANs)
c. 802.11 (Wireless LANs) and 802.20 (Mobile Broadband
Wireless Access)
d. 802.3 (Ethernet) and 802.11 (Wireless
14. What OSI model layer manages
data encryption and decryption?
a. Application
b. Presentation
c. Transport
d. Physical
Technically, a ________ is a piece of data enclosed by a Data Link layer header
and trailer.
a. datagram
b. packet
c. frame
d. PDU
Practice Quiz
Which standards organization requests voluntary compliance with their standards?
b. ISO
c. ITU
2. Simple
connectivity devices such as hubs and repeaters operate at the ____.
a. Application
b. Network
c. Data
Link Layer
d. Physical layer
3. The
Application layer transfers the request to the Presentation layer, in the form
of a ____.
a. protocol data unit
b. packet
c. datagram
d. frame
4. The top, or seventh, layer of the OSI model
is the ____.
a. Presentation
b. Network
c. Transport
d. Application layer
5. The ____ standard refers to packet handling
and other specifications for multivendor, mobile high-speed wireless
transmission, nicknamed "mobile WiMAX".
a. 802.20
b. mobile
broadband wireless network
6. The Physical layer interprets and adds
information to frames.
a. True
b. False
7. The IP (Internet Protocol) operates in the
Transport layer.
a. True
b. False
8. A checksum is a unique character string
that allows the receiving node to determine if an arriving data unit exactly
matches the data unit sent by the source.
a. True
b. False
9. Which
standards organization is responsible for providing the OSI model?
d. ISO
10. A connectionless protocol's lack of
sophistication makes it more efficient than a connection-oriented protocol and
renders it useful in situations in which data must be transferred quickly, such
as live audio or video transmissions over the Internet.
a. True
b. False
11. Standards
define maximum acceptable performance.
a. True
b. False
12. Most LANs
do not support more than one frame type, because devices cannot support more
than one frame type per physical interface, or NIC.
a. True
b. False
13. Which standards organization’s technical
papers and standards are highly respected in the networking profession?
d. ISO
14. The ____ provides developing countries
with technical expertise and equipment to advance those nations' technological
a. ITU
c. ISO
15. Standards
help to ensure interoperability between software and hardware from different
a. True
b. False
16. The ____ layer serves as a translator.
a. application
b. presentation
c. transport
d. physical
17. ITU oversees groups with specific
missions, such as the IAB (Internet Architecture Board). IAB is a technical
advisory group of researchers and technical professionals interested in
overseeing the Internet's design and management.
a. True
b. False
18. ____
is frequently compared to placing an envelope within a larger envelope.
a. Standards
b. Datagram
c. Encapsulation
d. Packet
19. The ____ standard refers to the routing,
bridging, and network-to-network communications.
a. 802.2
b. 802.1
c. 802.3
d. 802.11
20. IEEE's 802
standards can be applied to the layers of the OSI model.
a. True
b. False
21. Which
standards organization is a professional membership society that helps to
establish technical standards for the Internet?
d. ISO
22. ____ not only sets standards for its members,
but also helps write ANSI standards and lobbies for legislation favorable to
the growth of the computer and electronics industries.
b. EIA
c. ISO
d. ITU
23. By far,
the most popular type of networking technology in use today is ____.
a. checksum
b. CRC
d. Ethernet
24. NICs
operate at both the Physical layer and at the ____ layer.
a. Session
b. Transport
c. Application
d. Data Link
25. The
Application layer includes software applications.
a. True
26. Which
statement accurately describes the OSI model?
a. It
describes how software programs interact with humans.
b. It
prescribes the type of hardware or software that should support each layer.
c. It
describes how software programs interact with other software programs.
d. It describes a theoretical
representation of what happens between two nodes communicating on a network.
27. A
network’s ____________________ represents the largest data unit the network
will carry.
a. SYN
b. MTU
c. IP
d. ACK
28. ____ is the process of reconstructing
segmented data.
a. Realigning
b. Reassembly
c. Reengineering
d. Resegmenting
29. The ____
is a fixed number associated with a device’s NIC.
a. LLC
b. frame
c. logical
physical address
30. ____________________ are documented agreements
containing technical specifications or other precise criteria that stipulate
how a particular product or service should be designed or performed.
a. Standards
b. Sessions
c. Packets
d. Frames
31. ____
oversees the IAB (Internet Architecture Board).
b. ISO
c. EIA
32. Which IEEE
standard describes Ethernet?
a. 802.1
b. 802.3
c. 802.5
d. 802.11
33. Network
functions are associated with only one layer of the OSI model.
a. True
b. False
34. The
Application layer separates data into ____________________, or discrete amounts
of data.
a. segments
b. protocol data units (PDUs)
c. frames
d. packets
35. Each
network node has ____ types of addresses.
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
36. ____________________
is the process of gauging the appropriate rate of transmission based on how
fast the recipient can accept data.
a. Encapsulate
b. Flow Control
c. Addressing
d. Routing
37. In which
OSI model layer(s) do NICs operate?
a. Physical and Data Link
b. Data
c. Physical
d. Network
and Physical
38. Transport
layer protocols break large data units into ____.
a. block
b. frames
c. segments
d. PDUs
39. Which OSI
model layer manages data encryption?
a. Session
b. Application
c. Physical.
d. Presentation
40. Standards
define the ____ performance of a product or service.
a. maximum
b. minimum acceptable
c. most
d. ideal
41. Not all
Transport layer protocols are concerned with reliability.
a. True
b. False
42. The ____
is a specialized United Nations agency that provides developing countries with
technical expertise and equipment to advance those nations’ technological
c. ITU
d. ISO
43. Which type
of protocol is useful when data must be transferred quickly?
a. IP
b. connection-oriented
c. TCP
d. connectionless
44. Which Data
Link sublayer manages access to the physical medium?
a. Addressing
b. LLC
c. Management
d. MAC
45. In which
OSI model layer do hubs operate?
a. Physical
and Data Link
b. Network
c. Data
d. Physical
46. ____________________
protocols establish a connection with another node before they begin
transmitting data.
a. connection oriented
b. connectionless
c. wireless
d. IP
47. Which OSI
model layer initiates the flow of information?
a. Presentation
b. Application
c. Physical
d. Session
48. Which IEEE
standard describes specifications for wireless transmissions?
a. 802.1
b. 802.3
c. 802.5
d. 802.11
49. The
process of determining the best path from Point A on one network to Point B on
another is known as ____.
a. reconfiguring
b. enhancing
c. routing
d. mapping
50. The goal
of ____ is to establish international technological standards to facilitate the
global exchange of information and barrier free trade.
a. ITU
b. ISO
d. LLC
56. Which OSI
model layer does TCP operate?
a. Physical
b. Data
c. Application
d. Transport
57. Which Data
Link sublayer manages flow control?
a. LLC
b. MAC
______________ is a method of identifying segments that belong to
the same group of subdivided data.
a. Segmenting
b. Sequencing
c. Routing
d. Addressing