Network+ Guide to Networks, Chapter 9 Review
Network Operating Systems
In Chapter 4, you
learned about core protocols and subprotocols in the TCP/IP protocol suite, addressing
schemes, and host and domain naming. You also learned that TCP/IP is a complex and
highly customizable protocol suite. This chapter builds on these basic
concepts, examining how TCP/IP-based networks are designed and analyzed. It
also describes the services and applications that TCP/IP-based networks
commonly support. If you are unclear about the concepts related to IP
addressing or binary-to-decimal conversion, take time to review Chapter 4
before reading this chapter.
Designing TCP/IP-Based Networks
By now, you
understand that most modern networks rely on the TCP/IP protocol suite, not only
for Internet connectivity, but also for transmitting data over private
connections. Before proceeding with TCP/IP network design considerations, it’s
useful to briefly review some TCP/IP fundamentals. For example, you have
learned that IP is a routable protocol, and that on a network using TCP/IP each
interface is associated with a unique IP address. Some nodes may use multiple
IP addresses. For example, on a router that contains two NICs, each NIC can be
assigned a separate IP address. Or, on a Web server that hosts multiple Web
sites—such as one managed by an ISP—each Web service associated with a site can
have a different IP address.
In Chapter 4, you
learned about two versions of IP: IPv4 and IPv6. Recall that IPv4 addresses consist
of four 8-bit octets (or bytes) that can be expressed in either binary (for
example, 10000011 01000001 00001010 00100100) or dotted decimal (for example, notation. Many networks assign IP addresses and host names
dynamically, using DHCP, rather than statically. In addition, every IPv4
address can be associated with a network class—A, B, C, D, or E (though Class D
and E addresses are reserved for special purposes). Anode’s network class
provides information about the segment or network to which the node belongs.
The following sections explain how network and host information in an IPv4 address
can be manipulated to subdivide networks into smaller segments.
separates a network into multiple logically defined segments, or subnets. Networks
are commonly subnetted according to geographic locations (for example, the
floors of a building connected by a LAN, or the buildings connected by a WAN),
departmental boundaries, or technology types. Where subnetting is implemented,
each subnet’s traffic is separated from every other subnet’s traffic. A network
administrator might separate traffic to accomplish the following:
Enhance security - Subnetworks must be connected via routers or other
Layer 3 devices. As you know, these devices do not retransmit incoming frames
to all other nodes on the same segment (as a hub does). Instead, they forward
frames only as necessary to reach their destination. Because every frame is not
indiscriminately retransmitted, the possibility for one node to tap into another
node’s transmissions is reduced.
Improve performance - For the same reason that subnetting enhances
security, it also improves performance on a network. When data is selectively
retransmitted, unnecessary transmissions are kept to a minimum. Subnetting is
useful for limiting the amount of broadcast traffic—and, therefore, the amount
of potential collisions on Ethernet networks—by decreasing the size of each
broadcast domain. The more efficient use of bandwidth results in better overall
network performance.
Simplify troubleshooting - For example, a network
administrator might subdivide an organization’s network according to geography,
assigning a separate subnet to the nodes in the downtown office, west-side
office, and east-side office of her company. Suppose one day the network has
trouble transmitting data only to a certain group of IP addresses—those located
on the west-side office subnet. When troubleshooting, rather than examining the
whole network for errors or bottlenecks, the network administrator needs only
to see that the faulty transmissions are all associated with addresses on the
west-side subnet to know that she should zero in on that subnet.
To understand how
and why subnetting is implemented, it’s useful to first review IPv4 addressing
conventions on a network that does not use subnetting.
Classful Addressing in IPv4
In Chapter 4, you
learned about the first and simplest type of IPv4 addressing, which is known as
classful addressing because it adheres to network class distinctions. Recall
that all IPv4 addresses consist of network and host information. In classful
addressing, the network information portion of an IPv4 address (the network ID)
is limited to the first 8 bits in a Class A address, the first 16 bits in a Class
B address, and the first 24 bits in a Class C address. Host information is
contained in the last 24 bits for a Class A address, the last 16 bits in a
Class B address, and the last 8 bits in a Class C address. Figure 9-1 on page
400, which should look familiar from Chapter 4’s discussion of IP addressing,
illustrates how network and host information is separated in classful IPv4 addressing.
Figure 9-2 on page 401, offers some sample IPv4 addresses separated into
network and host information according to the classful addressing convention. Adhering
to a fixed network ID size ultimately limits the number of hosts a network can include.
For example, leasing an entire Class C network of addresses gives you only 254 usable
IPv4 addresses. In addition, using classful addressing makes it difficult to
separate traffic from various parts of a network. As you have learned,
separating traffic offers many practical benefits. For example, if an
organization used an entire Class B network of addresses, it could have up to
65,534 hosts all on one network segment. Imagine the challenges involved in
managing such a highly populated network, not to mention the poor performance
that would result. In 1985, because of the difficulty of managing a whole network
class of addresses and the dwindling supply of usable IPv4 addresses, computer scientists
introduced subnetting.
Depending on the source, you
may find the term network ID used interchangeably with the terms network number
or network prefix.
IPv4 Subnet Masks
Subnetting depends
on the use of subnet masks to identify how a network is subdivided. A subnet
mask indicates where network information is located in an IPv4 address. The
bits in a subnet mask that are assigned the number 1 indicate that corresponding
bits in an IPv4 address contain network information. The bits that are assigned
the number 0 indicate that corresponding bits in an IP address contain host
information. For example, a subnet mask of 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000,
or in dotted decimal notation, indicates that the first three
octets of all IP addresses belonging to that subnet will contain network
information. The last octet will contain host information. As you have learned, is the default subnet mask for Class C IPv4 addresses. Each
network class is associated with a default subnet mask, as shown in Table 9-1.
For example, by default, a Class A address’s first octet (or 8 bits) represents
network information and is composed of all 1s. That means that if you work on a
network whose hosts are configured with a subnet mask of 11111111 00000000
00000000 00000000, or, you know that the network is using Class A
Furthermore, you
can tell that the network is not using subnetting because is the
default subnet mask for a Class A network. If the network had been subnetted,
the subnet mask would be modified. To calculate a host’s network ID given its
IPv4 address and subnet mask, you follow a logical process of combining bits
known as ANDing. In ANDing, a bit with a value of 1 plus another bit with a
value of 1 results in a 1. A bit with a value of 0 plus any other bit results in
a 0. If you think of 1 as “true” and 0 as “false,” the logic of ANDing makes
Table 9-1 Default IPv4
subnet masks
Default subnet mask (binary)
Number of bits used for
network information
Default subnet mask
(dotted decimal)
11111111 00000000
00000000 00000000
11111111 11111111
00000000 00000000
11111111 11111111
11111111 00000000
Adding a true statement to a true statement still results in a true statement.
But, adding a true statement to a false statement results in a false statement.
ANDing logic is demonstrated in Table 9-2, which provides every possible
combination of having a 1 or 0 bit in an IPv4 address or subnet mask.
Table 9-2 ANDing
IP address bit
Subnet mask bit
Resulting bit
A sample IPv4 host address, its default subnet mask,
and its network ID are shown in Figure 9-3 on page 402, in both binary and
dotted decimal notation. Notice that the address’s fourth octet could have been
composed of any combination of 1s and 0s, and the network ID’s fourth octet
would still be all 0s. At this point, you should understand how to determine a
host’s network ID given its IPv4 address and subnet mask. This section
explained how to apply ANDing logic to an IPv4 address plus a default subnet
mask, but it works just the same way for networks that are subnetted and have
different subnet masks, as you will soon learn. Before learning how to create
subnets, however, it is necessary to understand the types of addresses that
cannot be used as subnet masks or host addresses.
Special Addresses
As you learned in Chapter 4, certain types of IP
addresses cannot be assigned to a network interface on a node or used as subnet
masks. Table 9-3 lists some of the IPv4 addresses and ranges reserved for
special functions.
Table 9-3 IPv4 addresses reserved
for special functions
| through 10.255.255. 255
| through
| through
| through
Link local
Addresses whose host information = 255 (for
Addresses whose host information = 0 (for example,
Network ID
For example, in
IPv4, the address is reserved for the loopback address. Some addresses
are reserved as private or link local addresses. Another special IP address is
the broadcast address for a network or segment. In a broadcast address, the
octet(s) that represent the host information are set to equal all 1s, or in
decimal notation, 255. In the example in Figure 9-3, the broadcast address
would be If a workstation on that network sent a message to the
address, it would be issued to every node on the segment. Still
another type of special address is the network ID. In a network ID, as you
know, bits available for host information are set to 0. Therefore, a
workstation on the sample network used in Figure 9-3 could not be assigned the
IP address because that address is the network ID. When using
classful IPv4 addressing, a network ID always ends with an octet of 0 (and may
have additional, preceding octets equal to 0). However, when subnetting is
applied and a default subnet mask is no longer used, a network ID may have
other decimal values in its last octet(s). Because the octets equal to 0 and
255 are reserved, only the numbers 1 through 254 can be used for host
information in an IPv4 address. Thus, on a network that followed the example in
Figure 9-3, the usable host addresses would range from to If you subnetted this network, the range of usable host
addresses would be different. As in IPv4, in IPv6 certain addresses are
reserved for special functions and cannot be assigned to a subnet or a node’s
network interface. For example, in Chapter 4, you learned that the IPv6 loopback
address is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, or, in compressed notation, ::1. Link local
addresses in IPv6 always begin with FE80. Multicast addresses in IPv6 always
begin with FF. The next section describes how IPv4 subnets are created and how
you can determine the range of usable host addresses on a subnet. Later in the
chapter, you will learn how subnetting differs in IPv6. IPv4 Subnetting
Techniques Subnetting alters the rules of classful IPv4 addressing. To create a
subnet, you must borrow bits that would represent host information in classful addressing
and use those bits to instead represent network information. By doing so, you reduce
the number of bits available for identifying hosts. Consequently, you reduce
the number of usable host addresses per subnet. The number of hosts and subnets
available after subnetting is related to how many host information bits you
borrow for network information.
Table 9-4
illustrates the numbers of subnets and hosts that can be created by subnetting
a Class B network. Notice the range of subnet masks that can be used instead of
the default Class B subnet mask of Also compare the listed numbers
of hosts per subnet to the 65,534 hosts available on a Class B network that
does not use subnetting.
Table 9-4 IPv4 Class B subnet masks
Subnet mask
Number of subnets on
Number of hosts per
| or 11111111 11111111 11000000 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11100000 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111000 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111100 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111110 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 10000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 11000000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 11110000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111100
Table 9-5
illustrates the numbers of subnets and hosts that can be created by subnetting
a Class C network. Notice that a Class C network allows for fewer subnets than
a Class B network. This is because Class C addresses have fewer host
information bits that can be borrowed for network information. In addition,
fewer bits are left over for host information, which leads to a lower number of
hosts per subnet than the number available to Class B subnets.
Table 9-5 IPv4 Class C subnet masks
Subnet mask
Number of subnets
on network
Number of hosts
per subnet
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 1100000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 1110000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 1111000
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 1111100
| or 11111111 11111111 11111111 1111110
IPv4 Subnets
Now that you have
seen the results of subnetting, you are ready to try subnetting an IPv4
network. Suppose you have leased the Class C network whose network ID is and you want to divide it into six subnets to correspond to the six
different departments in your company. The formula for determining how to
modify a default subnet mask is: 2n - 2 = Y; where n equals the
number of bits in the subnet mask that must be switched from 0 to 1, and Y
equals the number of subnets that result. Notice that this formula subtracts 2
from the total number of possible subnets—that is, from the calculation of 2 to
the power of the number of the bits that equal 1. That’s because in traditional
subnetting, bit combinations of all 0s or all 1s are not allowed for
identifying subnets—just as host addresses ending in all 0s or all 1s are not
allowed because of addresses reserved for the network ID and broadcast
transmissions. (However, in the next section of this chapter, you will learn
why this equation doesn’t apply to all modern networks.) Because you want six
separate subnets, the equation becomes 6 = 2n - 2. Because 6 + 2 = 8
and 8 = 23, you know that the value of n equals 3. Therefore, three
additional bits in the default subnet mask for your Class C network must change
from 0 to 1. As you know, the default subnet mask for a Class C network is, or 11111111 11111111 111111110000000. In this default subnet
mask, the first 24 bits indicate the position of network information. Changing
three of the default subnet mask’s bits from host to network information leaves
you with a subnet mask of 11111111 111111111 11111111 11100000. In this
modified subnet mask, the first 27 bits indicate the position of network
information. Converting from binary to the more familiar dotted decimal
notation, this subnet mask becomes When you configure the
TCP/IP properties of clients on your network, you would specify this subnet
mask. Now that you have calculated the subnet mask, you still need to assign IP
addresses to nodes based on your new subnetting scheme. Recall that you have
borrowed 3 bits from what used to be host information in the IP address. That
leaves 5 bits instead of 8 available in the last octet of your Class C
addresses to identify hosts. Adding the values of the last 5 bits, 16+8+4+2+1, equals
31, for a total of 32 potential addresses (0 through 31). However, as you have
learned, one address is reserved for the network ID and cannot be used.
Another address is
reserved for the broadcast ID and cannot be used. Thus, using 5 bits for host
information allows a maximum of 30 different host addresses for each of the six
subnets. So, in this example, you can have a maximum of 6 x 30, or 180, unique
host addresses on the network.
Table 9-6 lists the
network ID, broadcast address, and usable host addresses for each of the six
subnets in this sample Class C network. Together, the additional bits used for
subnet information plus the existing network ID are known as the extended
network prefix. The extended network prefix for each subnet is based on which
of the additional (borrowed) network information bits are set to equal 1. For
example, in subnet number 1, only the third bit of the three is set to 1,
making the last octet of the extended network prefix 00100000, or in decimal
notation, 32. In subnet number 2, only the second bit is set to 1, making the last
octet of the extended network prefix 01000000, or 64.
Table 9-6 Subnet information for six
subnets in a sample IPv4 Class C network
network prefix
host addresses
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
| or
00100010 01011001
Class A, Class B,
and Class C networks can all be subnetted. But because each class reserves a
different number of bits for network information, each class has a different
number of host information bits that can be used for subnet information. The
number of hosts and subnets on your network will vary depending on your network
class and the way you use subnetting. Enumerating the dozens of subnet
possibilities based on different arrangements and network classes is beyond the
scope of this book. However, several Web sites provide excellent tools that
help you calculate subnet information. One such site is If
you use subnetting on your LAN, only your LAN’s devices need to interpret your
devices’ subnetting information. Routers external to your LAN, such as those on
the Internet, pay attention to only the network portion of your devices’ IP
addresses when transmitting data to them. As a result, devices external to a
subnetted LAN (such as routers on the Internet) can direct data to those LAN
devices without interpreting the LAN’s subnetting information. Figure 9-4 on
page 407, illustrates a situation in which a LAN running IPv4 has been granted
the Class C range of addresses that begin with 199.34.89. The network
administrator has subnetted this Class C network into six smaller networks with
the network IDs listed in Table 9-5. As you know, routers connect different
network segments via their physical interfaces. In the case of subnetting, a
router must interpret IP addresses from different subnets and direct data from one
subnet to another. Each subnet corresponds to a different port on the router. When
a router on the internal LAN needs to direct data from a machine with the IP
address of to a machine with the IP address of, its
interpretation of the workstations’ subnet masks ( plus the
host information in the IP addresses tell the router that they are on different
The router forwards
data between the two subnets (or ports). In this figure, the devices connecting
subnets to the router are labeled switches, but they could also be routers or
access points. Alternatively, nodes having different extended network prefixes
could be directly connected to the router so that each subnet is associated
with only one device, though this is an unlikely configuration. When a server
on the Internet attempts to deliver a Web page to the machine with IP address, however, the Internet router does not use the subnet mask
information. It only knows that the machine is on a Class C network beginning
with a network ID of 199.34.89. That’s all the information it needs to reach
the organization’s router. After the data enters the organization’s LAN, the
LAN’s router then interprets the subnet mask information as if it were
transmitting data internally to deliver data to the machine with IP address Because subnetting does not affect how a device is addressed by external
networks, a network administrator does not need to inform Internet authorities about
new segments created via subnetting. You have learned how to subdivide an IPv4
network into multiple smaller segments through subnetting. Next, you’ll learn
about more contemporary variations on this method. CIDR (Classless Interdomain
Routing) By 1993, the Internet was growing exponentially, and the demand for IP
addresses was growing with it. The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
recognized that additional measures were necessary to increase the availability
and flexibility of IP addresses. In response to this need, the IETF devised
CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing), which is sometimes called classless
routing or supernetting. CIDR (pronounced cider) is not exclusive of
subnetting; it merely provides additional ways of arranging network and host
information in an IP address. In CIDR, conventional network class distinctions
do not exist. For example, the previous section described subdividing a Class C
network into six subnets of 30 addressable hosts each. To achieve this, the
subnet boundary (or length of the extended network prefix) was moved to the
right—from the default 24th bit to the 27th bit—into what used to be the host
information octet. In CIDR, a subnet boundary can move to the left. Moving the
subnet boundary to the left allows you to use more bits for host information and,
therefore, generate more usable IP addresses on your network.
A subnet created by
moving the subnet boundary to the left is known as a supernet. Figure 9-5 on
page 408, contrasts examples of a Class C supernet mask with a subnet mask. Notice
that in Figure 9-5, 27 bits are used for network information in the subnet
mask, whereas only 22 bits are used for network information in the supernet
mask. Suppose that you have leased the Class C range of IPv4 addresses that
shares the network ID and, because of growth in your company, you need
to greatly increase the number of host addresses this network allows by
default. By changing the default subnet mask of (11111111
11111111 11111111 00000000) to (1111111111111111 11111100
00000000), as shown in Figure 9-5, you can make available two extra bits for
host information. Adding the values of the last 10 bits, 512+256+128+64 +
32+16+8+4+2+1, equals1023, which leads to 1024 (0 through 1023) potential host addresses
on each subnet. However, as you know, two addresses are reserved and,
therefore, are unusable as host addresses. Thus, the actual number of host
addresses available on this subnet is 1022. In this example, you have
subtracted information from the host portion of the IP address. Therefore, the
IP addresses that result from this subnetting scheme will be different from the
IP addresses you would use if you had left the network ID untouched (as in the
subnetting example used in the previous section). The calculation for the new
network ID is shown in Figure 9-6 on page 409. For this sample subnetted Class
C network, the potential host addresses fall in the range of to The broadcast address is With CIDR also came a
new shorthand for denoting the position of subnet boundaries, known as CIDR
notation (or slash notation). CIDR notation takes the form of the network ID
followed by a forward slash (/), followed by the number of bits that are used
for the extended network prefix. For example, for the Class C network whose
network ID is and which was divided into six subnets, the slash
notation would be because 27 bits of the subnets’ addresses are
used for the extended network prefix.
The CIDR notation
for the Class C network used as an example of supernetting earlier in this
section would be In CIDR terminology, the forward slash, plus the
number of bits used for the extended network prefix—for example, /22—is known
as a CIDR block. To take advantage of classless routing, your network’s routers
must be able to interpret IP addresses that don’t adhere to conventional
network class parameters. Routers that rely on older routing protocols, such as
RIP, are not capable of interpreting classless IP addresses.
in IPv6
In Chapter 4, you
learned that IPv6 addresses are composed of 128 bits, compared with IPv4’s
32-bit addresses. That means 2 IPv4’s 2128 addresses are available
in IPv6, compared with available addresses. Given so many addresses, an ISP can
offer each of its customers an entire IPv6 subnet, or thousands of addresses,
rather than a handful of IPv4 addresses that must be shared among all the
company’s nodes. That’s only one example of how subnetting helps network
administrators manage the enormous volume of IPv6 addresses. Subnetting in IPv6
is simpler than subnetting in IPv4. One substantial difference is that unlike IPv4
addressing, IPv6 addressing does not use classes. There are no IPv6 equivalents
to IPv4’s Class A, Class B, or Class C networks. Every IPv6 address is classless.
Furthermore, subnet masks are not used in IPv6. Recall that a unicast address
is an address assigned to a single interface on the network. Also recall that
every unicast address can be represented in binary form, but is more commonly written
as eight blocks of four hexadecimal characters separated by colons.
For example, 2608:FE10:1:A:002:50FF:FE2B:E708
is a valid IPv6 address. In every unicast address, the last four blocks, which
equate to the last 64 bits, identify the interface. (On many IPv6 networks, those
64 bits are based on the interface’s EUI-64 MAC address.) The first four blocks
indicate the 64-bit subnet prefix, as shown in Figure 9-7 on page 410.
Interfaces that share a subnet prefix belong to the same subnet.
In the IPv6 address
2608:FE10:1:A:002:50FF:FE2B:E708, the
subnet prefix is 2608:FE10:1:A and the interface ID is 002:50FF:FE2B:E708. You
may see subnet prefixes represented as, for example, 2608:FE10:1:A::/64, where
the number of bits that identify a subnet follow a slash. However, technically
speaking, a subnet is always represented by the leftmost 64 bits in an address,
making the slash notation unnecessary. Given 64 bits for network information and
64 bits for interface information, a single IPv6 subnet is capable of supplying
18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IPv6 addresses. Besides subdividing IPv6 interfaces
according to subnet, IPv6 enables network administrators to more generally
group interfaces that belong to the same route by specifying a route prefix. Because
route prefixes vary in length, the slash notation is necessary when defining
them. For example, the route prefix indicated by 2608:FE10::/32 includes all
subnets whose prefixes begin with 2608:FE10 and, consequently, all interfaces
whose IP addresses begin with 2608:FE10. As shown in Figure 9-8 on page 411, a
national NSP might assign a regional ISP a block of addresses that share a
32-bit route prefix, such as 2608:FE10::/32. That regional ISP, in turn, might
assign a local ISP a block of addresses that share the same 48-bit route
prefix, such as 2608:FE10:1::/48. Finally, the local ISP could assign one of
its large business customers a subnet—that is, a block of IPv6 addresses that
share the same 64-bit subnet prefix, such as 2608:FE10:1:A::/64. Now that you
have learned how subnets are handled differently in IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, you
are ready to take a closer look at gateways, which play a critical role in all
As you have
learned, a gateway is a combination of software and hardware that enables two different
network segments to exchange data. A gateway facilitates communication between different
networks or subnets. Because one device on the network cannot send data
directly to a device on another subnet, a gateway must intercede and hand off
the information.
Every device on a
TCP/IP-based network has a default gateway—that is, the gateway that first
interprets its outbound requests to other subnets, and then interprets its
inbound requests from other subnets. A gateway is analogous to your local post
office, which gathers your outbound mail and decides where to forward it. It
also handles your inbound mail on its way to your mailbox. Just as a large city
has several local post offices, a large organization will have several gateways
to route traffic for different groups of devices. Each node on the network can
have only one default gateway; that gateway is assigned either manually or
automatically (in the latter case, through a service such as DHCP). Of course,
if your network includes only one segment and you do not connect to the
Internet, your devices would not need a default gateway because traffic would
not need to cross the network’s boundary. In many cases, a default gateway is
not a separate device, but rather a network interface on a router. For this
reason, you may hear the term default router used to refer to a default gateway.
By using a router’s network interfaces as gateways, one router can supply
multiple gateways. Each default gateway is assigned its own IP address. In
Figure 9-9on page 412, workstation (workstation A) uses the gateway to process its requests, and workstation
(workstation B) uses the gateway for the same purpose.
On a network
running IPv4, an Internet gateway is usually assigned an IP address that ends
with an octet of .1. Similarly, in IPv6, default gateway addresses usually end
in ::1.
Default gateways
may connect multiple internal networks, or they may connect an internal network
with external networks, such as WANs or the Internet. Routers that connect
multiple networks must maintain a routing table to determine where to forward
information. When a router is used as a gateway, it must maintain routing
tables as well. The Internet contains a vast number of routers and gateways. If
each gateway had to track addressing information for every other gateway on the
Internet, it would be overtaxed. Instead, each handles only a relatively small
amount of addressing information, which it uses to forward data to another gateway
that knows more about the data’s destination. Like routers on an internal
network, Internet gateways maintain default routes to known addresses to
expedite data transfer. The gateways that make up the Internet backbone are called
core gateways.
An organization’s
default gateway can also be used to “hide” the organization’s internal IP addresses
and keep them from being recognized on a public network. A public network is one
that any user may access with little or no restrictions. The most familiar
example of a public network is the Internet. A citywide kiosk system may also
be considered a public network. Conversely, a private network is a network
whose access is restricted to only clients or machines with proper credentials.
Virtually all business LANs and WANs are private networks. On private networks,
hiding IP addresses allows network managers more flexibility in assigning addresses.
Clients behind a gateway may use any IP addressing scheme, regardless of whether
it is recognized as legitimate by the Internet authorities. But as soon as
those clients need to connect to the Internet, they must have a legitimate IP
address to exchange data. When the client’s transmission reaches the default
gateway, the gateway opens the IP datagram and replaces the client’s private IP
address with an Internet-recognized IP address. This process is known as NAT
(Network Address Translation). A few types of NAT are available to network
administrators. Before learning how each works, though, it’s helpful to know
more about the reasons for address translation. One reason for using address
translation is to overcome the limitations of a low quantity of IPv4 addresses.
In the early days of the Internet, businesses could lease large blocks of IP
addresses, enough to assign a separate Internet-routable address to each device
and client on their WAN. However, as more hosts joined the Internet, the
scarcity of IPv4 addresses became a problem.
Today a small
business with 25 hosts, for example, might only be able to lease one IP address
from its ISP. Yet the business still needs to allow all its hosts’ access to
the Internet. With address translation, all 25 hosts can share a single
Internet-routable IP address. Another reason for using address translation is
to add a marginal amount of security to a private network when it is connected
to a public network. Because a transmission is assigned a new IP address each
time it reaches the public sphere, those outside an organization cannot trace
the origin of the transmission back to the specific network node that sent it.
However, the IP address assigned to a transmission by the gateway must be an
Internet-authorized IP address; thus, it can be traced back to the organization
that leased the address.
NAT is also possible
in IPv6. However, the problem that NAT is primarily designed to solve, a
scarcity of Internet routable addresses, is not a problem in IPv6. Thus, NAT is
unnecessary on networks that run only IPv6.
A third reason for
using address translation is to enable a network administrator to develop her
own network addressing scheme that does not conform to a scheme dictated by
ICANN. For example, suppose you are the network administrator for a private
elementary school. You maintain the school’s entire network, which, among other
things, includes 50 client workstations. Suppose half of these clients are used
by students in the classrooms or library and half are used expressly by staff.
To make your network management easier, you might decide to assign each workstation
an IPv4 address whose first octet begins with the number 10 and whose second
octet is the number of the classroom or office where the computer is located. For
example, the principal’s workstation, which is located in the administrative
cubicles in Room 135, might have an IP address of A workstation
used by students in the classroom in Room 235 might be assigned an IP address
of These IP addresses would be used strictly for communication
between devices on the school’s network. When staff or students wanted to
access the Internet, their workstations would need to have access to IP
addresses that are legitimate for use on the Internet. If you have leased at
least 50 Internet-valid IP addresses from your ISP, you can assign each client
a corresponding IP address for use on the Internet. For example, the student
workstation in room 235 with a private IP address of might be
assigned an Internet-valid IP address of The principal’s
workstation might be assigned an Internet-valid IP address of
This type of address translation is known as SNAT (Static Network Address
Translation). It is considered static because each client is associated with
one private IP address and one public IP address that never changes. SNAT is
useful when operating a mail server, for example, whose address must remain the
same for clients to reach it at any time. Figure 9-10 on page 414, illustrates
SNAT. Now suppose that, because the school has limited funds and does not
require that all clients be connected to the Internet at all times, you decide
to lease only eight IP numbers from your ISP. You then configure your gateway
to translate the school’s private IP addresses to addresses that can be used on
the Internet. Each time a client attempts to reach the Internet, the gateway
would replace its source address field in the datagram with one of the eight
legitimate IP addresses. Because any Internet-valid IP address might be
assigned to any client’s outgoing transmission, this technique is known as DNAT
(Dynamic Network Address Translation). It may also be called IP masquerading. You
might wonder how an Internet host can respond to a client on a private network
using DNAT, if all the clients on that network share a small pool of addresses.
For example, when a student at the elementary school opens a browser and
requests the Library of Congress Web page, how will the Web server know which
student workstation should receive the response? In fact, to accomplish DNAT, a
gateway performs PAT (Port Address Translation). With PAT, each client session
with a server on the Internet is assigned a separate TCP port number. When the
client issues a request to the server, its datagram’s source address includes
this port number.
When the Internet
server responds, its datagram’s destination address includes the same port number.
This allows the gateway to send the response to the appropriate client. PAT is
the most common type of address translation used on small office and home
networks. Figure 9-11 on page 415, illustrates the use of PAT where one
Internet-recognized IP address is shared by four clients. You have learned that
NAT separates private and public transmissions on a TCP/IP network. Further,
you have learned that gateways conduct the network translation. On most
networks, this refers to a router acting as a gateway. However, the gateway
might instead operate on a network host. For example, on Windows operating
systems, ICS (Internet Connection
Sharing) can be
used to translate network addresses and allow clients to share an Internet connection.
Using ICS, a computer with Internet access, called the ICS host, is configured
to translate requests to and from the Internet on behalf of other computers on
the network. To do this, it acts as a DHCP server, DNS resolver, and NAT
gateway for clients on its LAN.
The ICS host
requires two network connections: one that connects to the Internet, which could
be dial-up, DSL, ISDN, or broadband cable, and one that connects to the LAN. If
the network uses a dial-up connection to the Internet, the ICS host connects to
the Internet on demand—that is, when other computers on the network issue a
request to the Internet. When ICS is enabled on a LAN, the network adapter on
the ICS host that connects to the LAN is assigned an IP address of
Clients on the small office or home office LAN must be set up to obtain IP
addresses automatically. The ICS host then assigns clients IP addresses in the
range of through If you are already using this range
of addresses on your network (for example, in a NAT scheme); you might
experience problems establishing or using ICS. When designing a network to
share an Internet connection, most network administrators prefer using a router
or switch rather than ICS because ICS typically requires more configuration. It
also requires the ICS host to be available whenever other computers need Internet
access. However, in the unlikely event that a router or switch is not
available, ICS is an adequate alternative for sharing an Internet connection
among multiple clients.
Mail Services
As a network
administrator, you will need to understand how mail services work so that you can
set up and support mail clients or install and configure a mail server. All
Internet mail services rely on the same principles of mail delivery, storage,
and pickup, though they may use different types of software to accomplish these
functions. You have learned that mail servers communicate with other mail
servers to deliver messages across the Internet. They send, receive, and store
messages. They may also filter messages according to content, route messages
according to configurable conditions such as timing or priority, and make
available different types of interfaces for different mail clients. The most
popular mail server programs are Sendmail and Microsoft Exchange Server. Mail
clients send messages to and retrieve messages from mail servers. They may also
provide ways of organizing messages (using folders or mailboxes), filter
messages according to content or sender information, set message priority, create
and use distribution lists, send file attachments, and interpret graphic and
HTML content. Hundreds of different types of mail clients exist. Examples of
popular mail client software include Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook. Other
mail services, such as Gmail, are Web-based. In that case, the e-mail servers
and clients communicate through special TCP/IP Application layer protocols.
These protocols, all of which operate on Macintosh, Windows, UNIX, and Linux
systems, are discussed in the following sections.
(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol) is the protocol responsible for moving messages from one
mail server to another over TCP/IP-based networks. SMTP belongs to the
Application layer of the OSI model and relies on TCP at the Transport layer. It
operates from port 25. (That is, requests to receive mail and send mail go
through port 25 on the SMTP server.) SMTP, which provides the basis for
Internet e-mail service, relies on higher-level programs for its instructions.
Although SMTP comes with a set of human-readable (text) commands that you could
conceivably use to transport mail from machine to machine, this method would be
laborious, slow, and prone to error. Instead, other services, such as the
Sendmail software for UNIX and Linux systems, provide more friendly and
sophisticated mail interfaces that rely on SMTP as their means of transport. SMTP
is a simple subprotocol, incapable of doing anything more than transporting
mail or holding it in a queue. In the post office analogy of data
communications, SMTP is like the mail carrier who picks up his day’s mail load
at the post office and delivers it to the homes on his route. The mail carrier
does not worry about where the mail is stored overnight or how it gets from
another city’s post office to his post office. If a piece of mail is
undeliverable, he simply holds onto it; the mail carrier does not attempt to
figure out what went wrong. In Internet e-mail transmission, higher-level mail
protocols such as POP and IMAP, which are discussed later in this chapter, take
care of these functions. When you configure clients to use e-mail, you need to
identify the user’s SMTP server. (Sometimes, this server is called the mail
server.) Each e-mail program specifies this setting in a different place.
Assuming that your client uses DNS, you do not have to identify the IP address
of the SMTP server—only the name. For example, if a user’s e-mail address is;
his SMTP server is probably called “” You do not have to specify the
TCP/IP port number used by SMTP because both the client workstation and the server
assume that SMTP requests and responses flow through port 25.
(Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
The standard
message format specified by SMTP allows for lines that contain no more than 1000
ASCII characters. That means if you relied solely on SMTP, you couldn’t include
pictures or even formatted text in an e-mail message. SMTP sufficed for mail
transmissions in the early days of the Internet. However, its limitations
prompted IEEE to release MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) in 1992.
MIME is a standard for encoding and interpreting binary files, images, video,
and non-ASCII character sets within an e-mail message. MIME identifies each
element of a mail message according to content type. Some content types are
text, graphics, audio, video, and multipart. The multipart content type indicates
that a message contains more than one type of data, for example, some of the message’s
content is formatted as text, some as a binary file, and some as a graphics
file. MIME does not replace SMTP, but works in conjunction with it. It encodes
different content types so that SMTP is fooled into thinking it is transporting
an ASCII message stream. Most modern e-mail clients and servers support MIME.
(Post Office Protocol)
POP (Post Office
Protocol) is an Application layer protocol used to retrieve messages from a mail
server. The most current and commonly used version of the POP protocol is POP3
(Post Office Protocol, version 3), which relies on TCP and operates over port
110. With POP3, mail is delivered and stored on a mail server until a user
connects—via an e-mail client—to the server to retrieve his messages. As the
user retrieves his messages, the messages are downloaded to his workstation.
After they are downloaded, the messages are typically deleted from the mail
server. You can think of POP3 as a store-and-forward type of service. Mail is stored
on the POP3 server and forwarded to the client on demand. One advantage to
using POP3 is that it minimizes the use of server resources because mail is
deleted from the server after retrieval.
Another advantage is
that virtually all mail server and client applications support POP3. However,
the fact that POP3 downloads messages rather than keeping them on the server
can be a drawback for some users. POP3’s design makes it best suited to users
who retrieve their mail from the same workstation all the time. Users who move
from machine to machine are at a disadvantage because POP3 does not normally
allow users to keep the mail on the server after they retrieve it. Thus, the mail
is not accessible from other workstations. For example, suppose a consultant
begins his day at his company’s office and retrieves his e-mail on the
workstation at his desk. Then, he spends the rest of the day at a client’s
office, where he retrieves messages on his laptop. When he comes home, he
checks his e-mail from his home computer. Using POP3, his messages would be
stored on three different computers. A few options exist for circumventing this
problem (such as downloading messages from the mail server to a file server on
a LAN), but a more thorough solution has been provided by a new, more
sophisticated e-mail protocol called IMAP, described next.
(Internet Message Access Protocol)
IMAP (Internet
Message Access Protocol) is a mail retrieval protocol that was developed as a more
sophisticated alternative to POP3. The most current version of IMAP is version
4, or, IMAP4. IMAP4 can replace POP3 without the user having to change e-mail
programs. The single biggest advantage IMAP4 has over POP3 is that users can
store messages on the mail server, rather than always having to download them
to a local machine. This feature benefits users who may check mail from
different workstations. In addition, IMAP4 provides the following features:
can retrieve all or only a portion of any mail message- The remainder can be
left on the mail server. This feature benefits users who move from machine to
machine and users who have slow connections to the network or minimal free hard
drive space.
can review their messages and delete them while the messages remain on the
server—This feature preserves network bandwidth, especially when the messages
are long or contain attached files, because the data need not travel over the
wire from the server to the client’s workstation. For users with a slow modem connection,
deleting messages without having to download them represents a major advantage
over POP3.
can create sophisticated methods of organizing messages on the server—A user
might, for example, build a system of folders to contain messages with similar
content. Also, a user might search through all of the messages for only those
that contain one particular keyword or subject line.
can share a mailbox in a central location—For example, if several maintenance
personnel who use different workstations need to receive the same messages from
the Facilities Department head but do not need e-mail for any other purpose,
they can all log on with the same ID and share the same mailbox on the server.
If POP3 were used in this situation, only one maintenance staff member could
read the message; she would then have to forward or copy it to her colleagues.
Although IMAP4
provides significant advantages over POP3, it also comes with a few disadvantages.
For instance, IMAP4 servers require more storage space and usually more processing
resources than POP servers do. By extension, network managers must keep a closer
watch on IMAP4 servers to ensure that users are not consuming more than their
fair share of space on the server. In addition, if the IMAP4 server fails,
users cannot access the mail left there. IMAP4 does allow users to download
messages to their own workstations, however.
Now that you have
learned more about e-mail, you are ready to learn about utilities that will help
you analyze TCP/IP-based networks.
TCP/IP Utilities
As with any type of
communication, many potential points of failure exist in the TCP/IP transmission
process, and these points increase with the size of the network and the
distance of the transmission. Fortunately, TCP/IP comes with a complete set of
utilities that can help you track down most TCP/IP-related problems without
using expensive software or hardware to analyze network traffic. You should be
familiar with the use of the following tools and their switches, not only
because the Network+ certification exam covers them, but also because you will
regularly need these diagnostics in your work with TCP/IP networks. Each of the
tools described in this section works with systems running IPv4 or IPv6. In
Chapter 4, you learned about three very important TCP/IP utilities—Telnet, ARP,
and ping. The following sections present additional TCP/IP utilities that can
help you discover information about your node and network. Later, in the
Hands-On Projects at the end of this chapter, you’ll have an opportunity to try
some of these utilities. Nearly all TCP/IP utilities can be accessed from the
command prompt on any type of server or client running TCP/IP. However, the
syntax of these commands may differ, depending on your client’s operating
system. For example, the default command that traces the path of packets from
one host to another is known as
traceroute in UNIX, as tracepath
in some modern versions of Linux, and as tracert
in the Windows operating systems. Similarly, the options used with each command
may differ according to the operating system. For example, when working on a
UNIX or Linux system, you can limit the maximum number of router hops the
traceroute command allows by using the -m switch. On a Windows-based system, the
-h switch accomplishes the same thing. The following sections cover the proper
command syntax for Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems.
Earlier in this
book, you used the ipconfig utility to determine the TCP/IP configuration of a Windows
7 workstation. Ipconfig is the TCP/IP administration utility for use with
Windows operating systems. If you work with these operating systems, you will
frequently use this tool to view a computer’s TCP/IP settings. Ipconfig is a
command-line utility that provides information about a network adapter’s IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway. To use the ipconfig utility from a
Windows workstation, for example, click the Start button, point to All
Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt to open the Command
Prompt window. At the command prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter. You should
see TCP/IP information for your computer, similar to the output shown in Figure
9-12 on page 419. (Actual output will vary depending on the number and type of
interfaces on your computer and the type of network to which it’s attached.) In
addition to being used alone to list information about the TCP/IP configuration,
the ipconfig utility can be used with switches to manage a computer’s TCP/IP settings.
For example, if you wanted to view complete information about your TCP/IP
settings, including your MAC address, subnet mask, when your DHCP lease
expires, and so on, you could type: ipconfig /all. Note that the syntax of this
command differs slightly from other TCP/IP utilities. With ipconfig, a forward
slash (/) precedes the command switches, rather than a hyphen. The following
list describes some popular switches that can be used with the ipconfig
/?—Displays a list
of switches available for use with the ipconfig command /all—Displays complete
TCP/IP configuration information for each network interface on that device
DHCP-assigned addresses for all of the device’s network interfaces
DHCP-assigned addresses for all of the device’s network interfaces
When using the ipconfig
command, you must be logged in as an administrator to change your workstation’s
IP configuration.
Chapter 4 also
introduced you to the ifconfig utility, which is the TCP/IP configuration and management
utility used on UNIX and Linux systems. As with ipconfig on Windows systems,
ifconfig enables you to modify TCP/IP settings for a network interface, release
and renew DHCP-assigned addresses, or simply check the status of your machine’s
TCP/IP settings. Ifconfig is also a utility that runs when a UNIX or Linux
system starts, to establish the TCP/IP configuration for that computer. Similar
to the TCP/IP configuration utilities used with other operating systems,
ifconfig can be used alone or with switches to reveal more customized
information. For example, if you want to view the TCP/IP information associated
with every interface on a device, you could type: ifconfig -a. The output would resemble the output shown in Figure
9-13 on page 421. Notice that the syntax of the ifconfig command uses a hyphen
( - ) before some of the switches and no preceding character for other
switches. The following list describes some of the popular switches you can use
with ifconfig. To view a complete list of options, read the ifconfig man pages.
the command to all interfaces on a device; can be used with other switches
the interface as unavailable to the network
the interface after it has been taken “down,” so that it is once again available
to the network
Other ifconfig
switches, such as those that apply to DHCP settings, vary according to the type
and version of the UNIX or Linux system you use.
The netstat utility
displays TCP/IP statistics and details about TCP/IP components and connections on
a host. Information that can be obtained from the netstat command includes the
port on which a particular TCP/IP service is running, regardless of whether a
remote node is logged on to a host; which network connections are currently established
for a client; how many packets have been handled by a network interface since
it was activated; and how many data errors have occurred on a particular
network interface. As you can imagine, with so much information available, the
netstat utility makes a powerful diagnostic tool. For example, suppose you are
a network administrator in charge of maintaining file, print, Web, and Internet
servers for an organization. You discover that your Web server, which has
multiple processors, sufficient hard disk space, and multiple NICs, is suddenly
taking twice as long to respond to HTTP requests. Of course, you would want to
check the server’s memory resources as well as its Web server software to
determine that nothing is wrong with either of those. In addition, you can use
the netstat utility to determine the characteristics of the traffic going into
and out of each NIC. You may discover that one network card is consistently
handling 80 percent of the traffic, even though you had configured the server
to share traffic equally among the two. This fact may lead you to run hardware
diagnostics on the NIC, and perhaps discover that its on-board processor has
failed, making it much slower than the other NIC. Netstat provides a quick way to
view traffic statistics, without having to run a more complex traffic analysis
program, such as Wireshark.
If you use the netstat
command without any switches, it will display a list of all the active
TCP/IP connections
on your machine, including the Transport layer protocol used (UDP or
TCP), packets sent
and received, IP address, and state of those connections. However, like other
TCP/IP commands, netstat can be used with a number of different switches. A netstat
command begins with the word netstat followed by a space, then a hyphen and a
switch, followed by a variable pertaining to that switch, if required. For example,
netstat -a displays all current TCP and
UDP connections from the issuing device to other devices on the network, as
well as the source and destination service ports. The netstat -r command allows
you to display the routing table on a given machine.
The following list
describes some of the most common switches used with the netstat utility:
a list of all available TCP and UDP connections, even if they are simply
listening and not currently exchanging data
details about all the packets that have been sent over a network interface
currently connected hosts according to their port and IP address (in numerical
you to specify what type of protocol statistics to list; this switch must be
followed by a protocol specification (TCP or UDP)
a list of routing table information
statistics about each packet transmitted by a host, separated according to protocol
type (IP, TCP, UDP, or ICMP)
NetBIOS is a
protocol that runs in the Session and Transport layers of the OSI model and
associates NetBIOS names with workstations. NetBIOS alone is not routable
because it does not contain Network layer information. However, when
encapsulated in another protocol such as TCP/IP, it can be routed. On networks
that run NetBIOS over TCP/IP, the nbtstat utility can provide information about
NetBIOS statistics and resolve NetBIOS names to their IP addresses. In other words,
if you know the NetBIOS name of a workstation, you can use nbtstat to determine
its IP address. Nbtstat is useful only on networks that run Windows-based
operating systems and NetBIOS. UNIX and Linux systems do not use NetBIOS, so
nbtstat is not useful on these computers. Since most networks run pure TCP/IP
(and not NetBIOS over TCP/IP), nbtstat has limited use as a TCP/IP diagnostic
utility. As with netstat, nbtstat offers a variety of switches that you can use
to tailor the output of the command.
For example, you
can type nbtstat-A ip_address to
determine what machine is registered to a given IP address. The following list
details popular switches used with the nbtstat command. Notice that they are
case sensitive; the -a switch has a different meaning than the -A switch.
a machine’s name table given its NetBIOS name; the name of the machine must be
supplied after the -a switch
a machine’s name table given its IP address; the IP address of the machine must
be supplied after the -A switch
statistics about names that have been resolved to IP addresses by broadcast and
by WINS; this switch is useful for determining whether a workstation is
resolving names properly or for determining whether WINS is operating correctly
a list of all the current NetBIOS sessions for a machine; when used with this
switch, the nbtstat command attempts to resolve IP addresses to NetBIOS names
in the listing; if the machine has no current NetBIOS connections, the result
of this command will indicate that fact.
Figure 9-14 on page
422, illustrates the output of a netstat -a command.
Host, and Nslookup
In Chapter 4, you
learned that each client on a network is identified by a host name. If you aren’t
sure what host name has been assigned to a client, you can discover it by using
the hostname utility. At the command prompt of a computer running a Windows,
UNIX, or Linux operating system, type hostname
and then press Enter. The utility
responds with the client’s host name.
If you have
administrator privileges on a client, you may also use the hostname utility to
change its host name as follows: type hostname
new_hostname, where new_hostname is the name you want to assign to the
host, and then press Enter. If you
already know a host’s name and want to learn its IP address, you can use the
host utility. When used without any
switches, host simply returns either the IP address of a host if its host name
is specified or its host name if its IP address is specified. For example, on a
Linux workstation, you can type /usr/bin/host and press Enter
to discover the IP address associated with the host whose name is
Or, you could type /usr/bin/host and press Enter to
discover that the host name associated with this IP address is
The host command comes with Linux and UNIX distributions. If your computer uses
a Windows operating system, you’ll need to download a third-party version of
host. A utility that is similar to host but has more flexibility is nslookup. Nslookup
allows you to query the DNS database from any computer on the network and find
the host name of a device by specifying its IP address, or vice versa. This
ability is useful for verifying that a host is configured correctly or for
troubleshooting DNS resolution problems.
For example, if you
wanted to find out whether the host whose name is is
operational, you could type: nslookup and press Enter.
Figure 9-15 on page 424, shows the result of running a simple nslookup command
at a Linux shell prompt. Notice that the command provides not only the host’s
IP address, but also the primary DNS server name and address that holds the
record for this name. To find the host name of a device whose IP address you
know, type: nslookup ip_address and
press Enter. In this case, the
response would include not only the host name for that device, but also its IP
address and the IP address and host name of its primary DNS server. Nslookup
can reveal much more than just the IP address or host name of a device. Typing
just nslookup (without any switches),
and then pressing Enter starts the
nslookup utility, and the command prompt changes to a >. You can then use
additional commands to find out more about the contents of the DNS database.
For example, on a computer running UNIX you could view a list of all the host
name and IP address correlations on a particular DNS server by typing ls. Or you could specify five seconds as
the period to wait for a response by typing timeout=5.
(The default is 10 seconds.) Many other nslookup options exist. On a UNIX or
Linux system, you can find the complete list of the nslookup options in the
nslookup man pages. On a Windows-based system, you can view them by typing nslookup ? at the command prompt. To
exit the nslookup utility and return to the normal command prompt, type exit.
A TCP/IP utility
similar to nslookup is dig, which stands for domain information groper. As with
nslookup, dig allows you to query a DNS database and find the host name
associated with a specific IP address or vice versa. Also similar to nslookup,
dig is useful for helping network administrators diagnose DNS problems.
However, both in its simplest form and when used with one or more of its
multiple switches, the dig utility can provide more detailed information than nslookup.
An example of a simple dig command is dig, the output of which is shown in Figure 9-16 on page 425.
Compare this output to the simple nslookup command output shown in Figure 9-15.
Whereas the simple nslookup command returned the IP address for the host name,
the simple dig command returned specifics about the resource records associated
with the host name The domain name is in the first column, followed
by the record’s Time to Live, then its type code (for example, A for an address
record or MX for a mail record), and finally, a data field indicating the IP
address or other domain name with which the primary domain name is associated.
A summary of this particular query, including the time it took for the dig
command to return the data, is shown at the bottom of the output.
The dig utility
comes with over two dozen switches, making it much more flexible than nslookup.
For example, in a dig command you can specify the DNS server to query and the type
of DNS record(s) for which you want to search, a timeout period for the query,
a port (other than the default port 53) on the DNS server to query, and many
other options. Look for the complete list of dig command switches and the
syntax needed to use each in the dig man pages. The dig utility is included
with UNIX and Linux operating systems. If your computer runs a Windows-based
operating system, however, you must obtain the code for the dig utility from a
third party and install it on your system.
Suppose you work in
technical support for a large company and one afternoon you receive calls from
several employees complaining about slow Internet connections. With only that knowledge,
you can’t say whether the problem lies with your company’s LAN (for example, a
workgroup or backbone switch or router), default gateway, WAN connection, your
service provider’s CO, or a major ISP. However, simply by using one of the
commands listed in this section, you can better assess where network
performance is degraded. The traceroute utility (known as tracert on
Windows-based systems and tracepath on some Linux systems) uses ICMP ECHO
requests to trace the path from one networked node to another, identifying all
intermediate hops between the two nodes. To find the route, the traceroute
utility transmits a series of UDP datagrams to a specified destination, using
either the IP address or the host name to identify the destination. The first
three datagrams that traceroute transmits have their TTL (Time to Live) set to
1. Because the TTL determines how many more network hops a datagram can make,
datagrams with a TTL of 1 expire as they hit the first router. When they
expire, they are returned to the source—in this case, the node that began the
traceroute. In this way, traceroute obtains the identity of the first router. After
it learns about the first router in the path, traceroute transmits a series of
datagrams with a TTL of 2. The process continues for the next router in the
path, and then the third, fourth, and so on, until the destination node is
reached. Traceroute also returns the amount of time it took for the datagrams
to reach each router in the path. A traceroute test might stop before reaching
the destination, however. This happens for one of two reasons: Either the
device that traceroute is attempting to reach is down, or it does not accept ICMP
transmissions. The latter is usually the case with firewalls. Therefore, if you
are trying to trace a route to a host situated behind a firewall, your efforts
will be thwarted. (Because ping uses ICMP transmissions, the same limitations
exist for that utility.) Furthermore, traceroute cannot detect router
configuration problems or detect whether a router uses different send and receive
interfaces. In addition, routers might not decrement the TTL value correctly at
each stop in the path. Therefore, traceroute is best used on a network with
which you are already familiar. If you are reasonably certain that devices in
the path between your host and a destination host do not block ICMP
transmissions, traceroute can help you diagnose network congestion or network failures.
You can then use your judgment and experience to compare the actual test
results with what you anticipate the results should be. The simplest form of
the traceroute command (on a UNIX or Linux system) is traceroute ip_address or traceroute
host_name. On some versions of Linux, it’s tracepath ip_address or tracepath
host_name. On computers that use a Windows-based operating system, the
proper syntax is tracert ip_address
or tracert host_name. When run on a
UNIX system, the command will return a list as shown in Figure 9-17 on page 426.
Tracert and tracepath output looks virtually identical. As with other TCP/IP
commands traceroute has a number of switches that may be used with the command.
The command begins with either , traceroute,
tracert, or tracepath (depending on the operating system your computer uses),
followed by a hyphen, a switch, and a variable pertaining to a particular
switch, if required. For example, on a Windows-based system, tracert -4 forces the utility to use
only IPv4 transmission.
The following list
describes some of the popular tracert switches:
the tracert command not to resolve IP addresses to host names
the maximum number of hops the packets should take when attempting to reach a
host (the default is 30); this switch must be followed by a specific number of
hops (for example, tracert -h 12 would indicate a maximum of 12 hops)
a timeout period for responses; this switch must be followed by a variable to
indicate the number of milliseconds the utility should wait for a response
(my traceroute)
Mtr (my traceroute)
is a route discovery and analysis utility that comes with UNIX and Linux
operating systems. It combines the functions of the ping and traceroute
utilities and delivers an easy-to-read chart as its output. By issuing the mtr
command, you instruct your computer to first determine the path between your
client and the host you specify, and then successively send ICMP ECHO requests
to every hop on the route. In return, you learn about the devices in the path
and whether and how promptly they respond. After letting the command run for a
while, you also learn the devices’ shortest, longest, and average response times
and the extent of packet loss for each hop. This can reveal what portions of a
network are suffering poor performance or even faults. The simplest form of the
mtr command is mtr ip_address or mtr host_name. After you enter the
command, mtr will run continuously until you stop it by pressing Ctrl+C or unless you add an option to
the command to limit its number of probes. As you might guess, mtr can be used with
a number of switches to refine the command’s functioning and output. The
command begins with mtr, followed by
a hyphen, a switch, and a variable
pertaining to a particular switch, if required. For example, entering mtr -c 2 limits the number of ICMP ECHO
requests to two. The following list defines some mtr switches:
how many ICMP ECHO requests to issue (in this case, c stands for count).
with the -c switch, -r instructs mtr to generate a report and then exit after a
certain number of probes.
mtr to not use DNS—that is, to display only IP addresses and not host names.
with a specific number of seconds to specify the period of time between ICMP
ECHO requests; the default value is one second.
Figure 9-18 on page
428, illustrates the output of the command mtr
-c 100 -r In other words, an mtr command that will send
100 ICMP ECHO requests along the path to the host and will
issue the results in report format. Notice that the “Snt” column displays the
quantity of ICMP ECHO requests sent. Bear in mind that, as with traceroute, mtr
results might be misleading if certain devices on the network are prevented
from responding to ICMP traffic. Even if a router does accept ICMP traffic, it
will likely assign such requests lowest priority. A small percentage of packet loss
in the middle of a route might merely reflect the fact that a router is busy
and therefore slower at handling less-important traffic. In addition, beware
that mtr generates a significant amount of traffic on a network. By running the
mtr utility, you might slow network performance. A program similar to mtr, pathping,
is available as a command-line utility in Windows operating systems. The
switches available for use with pathping are similar to those available with
mtr. However, the pathping output differs slightly. Pathping displays the path
first, then issues hundreds of ICMP ECHO requests before revealing any reply or
packet loss statistics.
In Chapter 6, you
learned that a routing table is a file on a networked host (for example, a workstation
or router) that contains information about the paths that data will take
between that host and other network nodes. When a client or connectivity device
is added to a network, it discovers best paths and adds them to its routing
table. You also learned that in dynamic routing, routers gather information
about the network and incorporate that information in their routing tables even
as the network changes. The route utility allows you to view a host’s routing
table. On a UNIX or Linux system, type route
and then press Enter at the command
prompt to view the routing table. On a Windows based system, type route print and then press Enter. On a Cisco-brand router or
another brand that uses Cisco command conventions, type show ip route and press Enter.
Routing tables on network clients typically have no more than a few unique
entries, including the default gateway and loopback address. However, routing
tables on Internet backbone routers, such as those operated by ISPs, maintain
hundreds of thousands of entries. The routing table in Figure 9-19 on page 429
is an example of one that might be found on a UNIX host. Table 9-7 explains the
fields belonging to routing tables on UNIX or Linux systems. The route print
command used on a computer running a Windows operating system does not provide
as much information and displays it in a different format.
Table 9-7 Fields in routing table on
a UNIX host
destination host’s identity
The destination
host’s gateway
The destination
host’s netmask number
information about the route, including whether it’s usable (U), whether it’s
a gateway (G), and whether, as is the case with the loopback entry, only a
single host can be reached via that route (H)
The cost of the
route—that is, how efficiently it carries traffic
The number of
references to the route that exist—that is, the number of routes that
rely on this
The number of
packets that have traversed the route
The type of
interface the route uses
In fact, the route
command allows you to do much more than simply view a host’s routing table.
With it you may also add, delete, or modify routes. Following are some options available
for use with the route command:
a route to the routing table; this switch must be followed by information about
the route, for example, route add default gw ethl instructs the
host to add a route that uses the gateway with an address of on the
eth1 interface.
a route from the routing table; this option must be followed by information
about the route.
an existing route; this switch must be followed by information about the route
to be changed (available on Windows systems only).
a route persistent, or reappear after a system is restarted (available on Windows
systems only).
To learn about more
route command options and the correct syntax for each, type man route and press Enter on a UNIX or Linux system. On a Windows system, type route ? and press Enter.
Most routers and
other types of hosts optimize their routing tables without human intervention.
If you choose to modify a routing table, be careful to not eliminate or damage
a necessary route or cause routing loops. You risk degrading network
performance or even cutting off network access to some or all clients.
separates one network or segment into multiple logically defined segments, or
subnets. A network administrator might subnet a network to achieve simpler
troubleshooting, enhanced security, improved performance, and easier network
subnet mask provides clues about the location of network information in an IP
address. Bits in a subnet mask that equal 1 indicate that corresponding bits in
an IP address contain network information. Bits in a subnet mask that equal 0
indicate that corresponding bits in an IP address contain host information.
create subnets, some of an IP addresses bits (which by default represent host information) are
changed to represent network information instead. The change is indicated by a
change in the subnet mask’s bits.
you use subnetting on your LAN, only your LAN’s devices need to interpret your devices’
subnetting information. External routers, such as those on the Internet, pay attention
to only the network portion of your devices’ IP addresses—not their subnet masks—when
transmitting data to them.
newer variation on traditional subnetting is provided by CIDR (Classless
Interdomain Routing). CIDR offers additional ways of arranging network and host
information in an IP address. In CIDR, conventional network class distinctions
do not exist.
allows the creation of supernets, or subnets established by using bits that
normally would be reserved for network class information. By moving the subnet
boundary to the left, more bits are made available for host information, thus
increasing the number of usable host addresses on a subnetted network.
in IPv6 is simple. In every unicast address, the last four blocks, which equate
to the last 64 bits, identify the interface. (On many IPv6 networks, those 64
bits are based on the interface’s EUI-64 MAC address.) The first four blocks
indicate the 64-bit subnet prefix. For example, in the IPv6 address
2608:FE10:1:A:002:50FF:FE2B:E708, the subnet prefix is 2608:FE10:1:A and the
interface ID is 002:50FF:FE2B:E708.
subdividing IPv6 interfaces according to subnet, IPv6 enables network administrators
to more generally group interfaces that belong to the same route by specifying
a route prefix. Because route prefixes vary in length, slash notation is necessary
when defining them.
facilitate communication between different subnets. Because one device on the network
cannot send data directly to a device on another subnet, a gateway (usually in
the form of a router interface) must intercede and hand off the information.
device on a TCP/IP-based network has a default gateway, the gateway that first interprets
its outbound requests to other subnets, and then interprets its inbound requests
from other subnets. Internet gateways maintain default routes to known
addresses to expedite data transfer. The gateways that make up the Internet
backbone are called core gateways.
(Network Address Translation) allows a network administrator to “hide” IP
addresses assigned to nodes on a private network. In NAT, gateways assign transmissions
valid Internet IP addresses when the transmission is sent to the Internet.
(Static Network Address Translation) establishes a one-to-one correlation between
each private IP address and Internet-recognized IP address.
(Dynamic Network Address Translation) allows one or more Internet-recognized IP
addresses to be shared by multiple clients. To achieve this type of address translation,
a gateway assigns ports to each client’s sessions, in a technique known as PAT
(Port Address Translation). This is the most common type of address translation
on small office and home networks.
(Internet Connection Sharing) is a service included with Windows operating systems
that allows a network of computers to share a single Internet connection through
an ICS host computer.
Internet mail services rely on the same principles of mail delivery, storage,
and pickup, though they may use different types of software to accomplish these
client software can communicate with various types of mail server software
because the TCP/IP Application layer protocols used for this communication are
(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is responsible for moving messages from one e-mail
server to another over TCP/IP-based networks. SMTP operates through port 25,
with requests to receive mail and send mail going through that port on the SMTP
server. SMTP is used in conjunction with either POP or IMAP. MIME operates over
SMTP to enable mail messages to contain non-ASCII content, such as graphics,
audio, video, and binary files. Most modern e-mail clients support MIME encoding.
(Post Office Protocol) is a mail retrieval protocol. The most current and
commonly used version of POP is called POP3. Using POP3, messages are
downloaded from the mail server to a client workstation each time the user
retrieves messages.
(Internet Message Access Protocol) is another mail retrieval protocol. Its most
current version is IMAP4. IMAP4 differs from POP3 in that it allows users to
store messages on the mail server, rather than always having to download them
to the local machine. This is an advantage for users who do not always check
mail from the same computer.
ipconfig at the command prompt of a system running a Windows operating system
reveals the TCP/IP settings for that computer.
is the utility that establishes and allows management of TCP/IP settings on a UNIX
or Linux system.
netstat utility displays TCP/IP statistics and the state of current TCP/IP components
and connections. It also displays ports, which can signal whether services are
using the correct ports.
nbtstat utility provides information about NetBIOS names and their addresses. If
you know the NetBIOS name of a workstation, you can use nbtstat to determine the
workstation’s IP address.
The hostname utility allows you to view or
change a client’s host name. The host
utility, which comes with Linux and UNIX operating systems, allows you to find
out either the host name of a node given its IP address or the IP address of a node
given its host name.
The nslookup utility is a more flexible version
of the host utility. It allows you to look up the DNS host name of a network
node by specifying the node’s IP address, or vice versa. Nslookup is useful for
troubleshooting host configuration and DNS resolution problems.
dig utility, similar to nslookup, queries the network’s DNS database to return information
about a host given its IP address, or vice versa. In its simplest form, or when
used with one of its many switches, dig provides more information than nslookup.
traceroute utility, known as tracert on Windows-based systems and tracepath on some
Linux systems, uses ICMP to trace the path from one networked node to another,
identifying all intermediate hops between the two nodes. This utility is useful
for determining router or subnet connectivity problems.
is a TCP/IP utility that combines the functions of traceroute and ping to
reveal not only the path data takes between two hosts, but also statistics
about the path, such as how promptly router interfaces respond and the extent of
packet loss at each hop.
route command allows you to view a host’s routing table and add, delete, or modify
preferred routes.
Key Terms
ANDing - A logical process of
combining bits. In ANDing, a bit with a value of 1 plus another bit with a value
of 1 results in a 1. A bit with a value of 0 plus any other bit results in a 0.
CIDR (Classless
Interdomain Routing)
- An IP addressing and subnetting method
in which network and host information is manipulated without adhering to the
limitations imposed by traditional network class distinctions. CIDR is also
known as classless routing or supernetting. Older routing protocols, such as
RIP, are not capable of interpreting CIDR addressing schemes.
CIDR block - In CIDR notation, the
number of bits used for an extended network prefix. For example, the CIDR block
for is /22.
CIDR notation - In CIDR, a method of
denoting network IDs and their subnet boundaries. Slash notation takes the form
of the network ID followed by a slash (/), followed by the number of bits that
are used for the extended network prefix.
classful addressing - An IP addressing
convention that adheres to network class distinctions, in which the first 8
bits of a Class A address, the first 16 bits of a Class B address, and the
first 24 bits of a Class C address are used for network information.
Classless Interdomain
- See CIDR.
classless routing - See CIDR.
core gateway - A gateway that
operates on the Internet backbone.
default gateway - The gateway that first
interprets a device’s outbound requests, and then interprets its inbound
requests to and from other subnets. In a Postal Service analogy, the default
gateway is similar to a local post office.
default router - See default gateway.
dig (domain information
- A TCP/IP utility that queries the DNS database and provides information about
a host given its IP address or vice versa. Dig is similar to the nslookup
utility, but provides more information, even in its simplest form, than nslookup
DNAT (Dynamic Network
Address Translation)
A type of address translation in which a limited pool of Internet-valid IP
addresses is shared by multiple private network hosts.
domain information
- See dig.
Dynamic Network Address
- See DNAT.
extended network prefix -The combination of an
IP address’s network ID and subnet information. By interpreting the address’s
extended network prefix, a device can determine the subnet to which an address
host A TCP/IP utility that
at its simplest returns either the IP address of a host if its host name is
specified or its host name if its IP address is specified.
hostname - A TCP/IP utility
used to show or modify a client’s host name.
ICS (Internet
Connection Sharing)
- A service provided with Windows operating systems that allows one computer,
the ICS host, to share its Internet connection with other computers on the same
ICS host - On a network using
the Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing service, the computer whose Internet
connection other computers share. The ICS host must contain two network
interfaces: one that connects to the Internet and one that connects to the LAN.
IMAP (Internet Message
Access Protocol)
A mail retrieval protocol that improves on the shortcomings of POP. The single
biggest advantage IMAP4 has relative to POP is that it allows users to store
messages on the mail server, rather than always having to download them to the
local machine. The most current version of IMAP is version 4 (IMAP4).
IMAP4 (Internet Message
Access Protocol, version 4) - The most commonly used form of the Internet Message
Access Protocol (IMAP).
Internet Connection
- See ICS.
Internet Message Access
- See IMAP.
Internet Message Access
Protocol, version 4
-See IMAP4.
IP masquerading See DNAT.
MIME (Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions) -A standard for encoding and interpreting binary
files, images, video, and non-ASCII character sets within an e-mail message.
mtr (my traceroute) - A route discovery
and analysis utility that comes with UNIX and Linux operating systems. Mtr
combines the functions of the ping and traceroute commands and delivers an
easily readable chart as its output.
Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions -
my traceroute - See mtr.
NAT (Network Address
- A technique in which IP addresses used on a private network are assigned a
public IP address by a gateway when accessing a public network.
nbtstat - A TCP/IP
troubleshooting utility that provides information about NetBIOS names and their
addresses. If you know the NetBIOS name of a workstation, you can use nbtstat
to determine its IP address.
NetBIOS - A protocol that runs
in the Session and Transport layers of the OSI model and associates NetBIOS
names with workstations. NetBIOS alone is not routable because it does not
contain Network layer information. However, when encapsulated in another protocol
such as TCP/IP, it can be routed.
netstat - A TCP/IP
troubleshooting utility that displays statistics and the state of current TCP/IP
connections. It also displays ports, which can signal whether services are
using the correct ports.
Network Address
- See NAT.
network number See network ID.
network prefix See network ID.
nslookup -A TCP/IP utility that
allows you to look up the DNS host name of a network node by specifying its IP address, or vice
versa. This ability is useful for verifying that a host is configured correctly
and for troubleshooting DNS resolution problems.
PAT (Port Address
- A form of address translation that uses TCP port numbers to distinguish each
client’s transmission, thus allowing multiple clients to share a limited number
of Internet-recognized IP addresses.
pathping - A command-line
utility that combines the functionality of the tracert and ping commands
(similar to UNIX’s mtr command) and comes with Windows operating systems.
POP (Post Office
- An Application layer protocol used to retrieve messages from a mail server.
When a client retrieves mail via POP, messages previously stored on the mail
server are downloaded to the client’s workstation, and then deleted from the mail
POP3 (Post Office
Protocol, version 3)
- The most commonly used form of the Post Office Protocol.
Port Address
See PAT.
Post Office Protocol See POP.
Post Office Protocol,
version 3
See POP3.
private network - A network whose
access is restricted to only clients or machines with proper credentials.
public network - A network that any
user can access with no restrictions. The most familiar example of a public
network is the Internet.
route - A utility for
viewing or modifying a host’s routing table.
route prefix The prefix in an IPv6
address that identifies a route. Because route prefixes vary in length, slash
notation is used to define them. For example, the route prefix indicated by
2608:FE10::/32 includes all subnets whose prefixes begin with 2608:FE10 and,
consequently, all interfaces whose IP addresses begin with 2608:FE10.
Simple Mail Transfer
slash notation See CIDR notation.
SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol)
-The Application layer TCP/IP subprotocol responsible for moving messages from
one e-mail server to another.
SNAT (Static Network
Address Translation) - A type of address translation in which each private IP
address is correlated with its own Internet-recognized IP address.
Static Network Address
subnet prefix - The 64-bit prefix in
an IPv6 address that identifies a subnet. A single IPv6 subnet is capable of
supplying 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IPv6 addresses.
Supernet - In IPv4, a type of
subnet that is created by moving the subnet boundary to the left and using bits
that normally would be reserved for network class information.
supernet mask - A 32-bit number
that, when combined with a device’s IPv4 address, indicates the kind of
supernet to which the device belongs.
supernetting See CIDR.
tracepath - A version of the
traceroute utility found on some Linux distributions.
traceroute (tracert) - A TCP/IP
troubleshooting utility that uses ICMP to trace the path from one networked
node to another, identifying all intermediate hops between the two nodes.
Traceroute is useful for determining router or subnet connectivity problems. On
Windows-based systems, the utility is known as tracert.
1. A node on a network
an IP address of and its subnet mask is What type of
subnetting has been used
on this network?
a. Classless
b. Supernetting
d. No subnetting has
2. What is the default subnet mask for
a Class C network?
3. Convert the following subnet mask into its
dotted-decimal equivalent: 1111111111111111 11111000 00000000.
4. On a network with
an IP address of (or 10001100
100001010001110001001000) and a subnet mask of (or 11111111 111110000000000000000000), what is
the network ID?
a. (or 10001100 10000000 00000000 0000000)
b. (or 10001100 11111000000000000000000)
c. (or 0001100100001010001010000000000)
d. (or 11111111111110000000000000000001)
5. As a networking consultant, you've been asked
to help
a client's
TCP/IP network. The
network administrator
tells you
that the network ID
is subnetted as On this network, how many bits of
each IP address are devoted to host information?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 14
6. You have
decided to create 254 subnets on your Class B network. What subnet mask will
you use to accomplish this?
7. If you
subdivide your Class B network into 254 subnets, what is the maximum number of
hosts you can assign to any single subnet?
a. 255
b. 212
c. 254
d. 225
8. If you
worked on a network that could not interpret classless addressing, and your
network ID was, what is the theoretical maximum number of different
subnets you could create on this network?
a. 16
b. 64
c. 128
d. 254
9. Your
company has leased a Class C network whose network ID is You want
to create 16 subnets within this network. One of the subnets will have an
extended network prefix of What will be the broadcast address
for this subnet? (Hint: If you know the number of hosts per subnet, you can
easily determine the broadcast address.)
10. Your workstation's IP address is,
and your supervisor's workstation's IP address is When you send
data from your workstation to your supervisor's workstation, what is the most
likely IP address of the first default gateway that will accept and interpret
your transmission?
11. You have enabled NAT on your small office’s
router. The router’s private network IP address is Which of the
following IP addresses is the most likely to be automatically assigned to one
of the workstations that uses this router as its default gateway?
12. Which two of the following are benefits of using
IMAP4 relative to POP3?
a. It allows
users to review and delete mail without downloading it from the mail server.
b. It provides mail delivery guarantees.
c. It allows users to modify mail server
d. It provides better encryption for message
e. It enables multiple users to easily share a
central mailbox.
13. You have decided to use PAT on your small office
network. At minimum, how many IP addresses must you obtain from your ISP in
order for all five clients in your office to be able to access servers on the
a. 1
b. 4
c. 5
d. None, the
private IP addresses will work.
14. What Network layer protocol does the traceroute
utility use to obtain its information about paths between a source and
a. UDP
b. ARP
c. NTP
15. Which of the following commands allows you to
view the routing table on your Linux workstation? (Choose all that apply.)
a. netstat -r
b. traceroute
c. netroute -R
d. route
e. tracepath
16. If you know that your colleague's TCP/IP host
name is JSMITH, and you need to find out his IP address, which of the following
commands should you type at your shell prompt or command prompt?
a. netstat jsmith
b. nbtstat jsmith
c. nslookup
d. ifconfig jsmith
17. Suppose your office's only DNS server was down,
and you wanted to view the DNS address record for your company's domain. Which
of the following TCP/IP utilities would allow you to do this?
a. nbtstat
b. netstat
c. traceroute
d. dig
When you use the mtr command to assess the path from your office workstation to
a server on your company's WAN that's located in Spain, what is the first hop
the mtr command will display?
a. Your workstation's IP address
b. Your default
gateway's IP address
c. Your ISP's router's IP address
d. The Web server's address
Which of the following commands reveals the default gateway addresses for all
the hosts to which a router is connected?
a. route
b. ping
c. host
d. ifconfig
20. What utility might you use to find out whether
your ISP's router is responsible for the poor network performance your
organization experiences on a particular afternoon?
a. route
b. netstat
c. mtr
d. ipconfig
Practice Quiz
1. The MIME standard replaces SMTP.
a. True
b. False
2. The most frequently used UNIX command is who.
a. True
b. False
3. A node’s network ____ provides information about the
segment or network to which the node belongs.
a. frame
b. location
c. class
d. routing table
4. DHCP may be used to assign IP addresses and host names
a. True
b. False
5. To manage network access more easily, you can combine
users with similar needs and restrictions into ____.
a. roles
b. roots
c. groups
d. threads
6. NOSs do not fit neatly into one layer of the OSI
a. True
b. False
7. For simpler management, groups can be nested (one
within another) or arranged hierarchically (multiple levels of nested groups)
according to the type of access required by different types of users.
a. True
b. False
8. In CIDR, conventional network class distinctions
a. True
b. False
9. The ipconfig utility is the TCP/IP configuration and
management utility used on UNIX and Linux systems.
a. True
b. False
10. MIME is a standard for encoding and interpreting
binary files, images, video, and non-ASCII character sets within an e-mail
a. True
b. False
11. ____ combines
the functions of the ping and traceroute utilities.
a. Tracert
b. Mtr
c. Whois
d. Route
12. A broadcast address is known as a(n) ____ address for
a network or segment.
a. reserved
b. default
c. open
d. informative
13. Domains are established on a network to make it
easier to organize and manage resources and security.
a. True
b. False
14. The directory containing information about objects in
a domain resides on computers called ____.
15. You can make commands even more specific by using
____, the equivalent to using wildcards in Windows and DOS.
16. A(n) ____ is a logically separate area of storage on
the hard drive.
a. patch
b. object
c. partition
d. pipeline
17. ____
permissions are passed down from the parent group (Administrators) to the child
group (Temps).
18. The word ____ refers to the hardware on which an NOS
a. server
b. Active Directory
c. attribute
d. class
19. Subnet masks are only used in IPv4 classful
a. True
b. False
20. In LDAP-compatible directories, a(n) ____ is the set
of definitions of the kinds of objects and object-related information that the
directory can contain.
21. ____ enables a
server to share resources with clients.
a. NOSs
b. network operating systems
22. A UNIX ____ is a file that contains instructions for
performing a specific task such as reading data from and writing data to a hard
a. root domain
b. process
c. kernel
d. schema
23. In the LDAP standard, directories and their contents
form trees.
a. True
b. False
24. ____ prevents
the need for a shared application to function differently for each different
type of client.
a. Mac OS X Server
c. Paging
d. Middleware
1. POP3’s design makes it best suited to users who
retrieve their mail from the same workstation all the time.
a. True
b. False
2. POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3) relies on TCP
and operates over port ____.
3. In CIDR, conventional network class distinctions do
not exist.
a. True
b. False
4. The ____ gateway is the gateway that first interprets
its outbound requests to other subnets, and then interprets its inbound
requests from other subnets.
5. The MIME standard replaces SMTP.
a. True
b. False
6. In ____ addressing, the network information portion of
an IPv4 address is limited to the first 8 bits in a Class A address.
d. subnet
7. Because the
octets equal to 0 and 255 are ____, only the numbers 1 through 254 can be used
for host information in an IPv4 address.
open for general use
8. The combination of additional bits used for subnet
information plus the existing network ID is known as the ____________________.
network prefix
9. When using classful IPv4 addressing, a network ID
always ends with an octet of ____.
10. ____________________ is the protocol
responsible for moving messages from one mail server to another over
TCP/IP-based networks.
11. A class ____ network class is reserved for special
12. A program similar to mtr, ____, is available as a
command-line utility in Windows operating systems.
13. The result from ANDing 11001111 with 10010001 is
14. The backbone
are called ____________________ gateways.
15. In classful addressing, the Class B IPv4 address
network ID is located in the ____.
first 16 bits
last 16 bits
first 8 bits
last 8 bits
16. The gateways that make up the Internet backbone are
called ____ gateways.
17. In classful addressing, Class C IPv4 address host
information is located in the ____.
last 8 bits
first 8 bits
last 16 bits
first 16 bits
18. IMAP4 servers require less storage space and usually
more processing resources than POP servers do.
a. True
b. False
19. CIDR notation takes the form of the network ID
followed by a(n) ____, followed by the number of bits that are used for the
extended network prefix.
underscore ( _ )
forward slash ( / )
backward slash ( \ )
dash ( - )
20. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a mail
retrieval protocol that was developed as a more sophisticated alternative to
21. On a network using TCP/IP, some nodes may use
multiple IP addresses.
a. True
b. False
22. An example of a popular client email software is
Microsoft Exchange Server
Microsoft Outlook
23. An administrator can discover the host name assigned
to a client by using the ____ utility.
24. The ____ utility allows you to view a host’s routing
25. Within a classful addressing subnet mask, the ____
bits indicate that corresponding bits in an IPv4 address contain network
first eight
last eight